Fashion 100

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"Come on, lazy bums! Let's get moving! Up! It's time to get up!" Emily recognised the voice, she knew that much for sure; who it belonged to, however, remained a mystery. Charlie simply ascertained it's direction and tossed his pillow at something. For someone with a pinpoint accurate semblance, his regular aim really was shocking.

Ruby, of course, had not been disturbed by the wake-up call- she was always up at the crack of dawn, ready and willing to wolf down a towering bowl of Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes, and a second bowl if needed. Yang had also made sure she was awake on time, as Charlie had nominated her to let Coco into the dorm. Coco had now retreated and was sat in the living room with a cup of- you guessed it- green tea, whilst Yang set about freeing Em from her restraints.

Off came the leg braces, before the wrist and back ones were removed. Yang scooped Emily up and looked her in the eyes. "Thank you tho much." Emily said, prompting Yang to remove her mouth brace too. It was a shame, the blonde thought, that she had to remove Emily's brace during the day. She looks so sexy in it, and her lisping is so cute. Alas, Emily had decreed that she must not be seen in the daytime with it in. She left Emily to get dressed with her own team, as she poured herself a mug of black coffee.

Once the nine-strong group were around the table, tucking into Yang's breakfast of pancakes and butter, Coco broke the silence. "Do you know why I'm here?"
"As a highly annoying, yet subversively fuckable alarm clock?" Charlie asked, earning him a semi-soft punch in each arm, one from Em and one from Yang. Behind his back, the two courting lovebirds high-fived. Coco sighed, and simply responded with "No." After looking around to check no-one else wished to guess, she simply continued. "None of Team BECK have suitable outfits for the Beacon Dance. And I know that, given half a chance, you'd be dressed like tramps and mental patients, so I figured I ought to help out. Well that and Charlie offered me 10 Lien and lunch to do it."

A little while later, eight trainee hunters and huntresses strolled nonchalantly through the wrought-iron gates to Saveloy Row, whilst Em hobbled behind, cane rhythmically tapping along the floor like a metronome. Saveloy Row was, Coco had assured her fashion-illiterate hostages- sorry, friends, the supreme place for high glam and hot couture in the City of Vale. Whatever the fuck that meant. The first shop on the left, after one had passed through the marble entranceway, was a shoe shop specialising in very expensive men's brogues. As much as Charlie did want to look in there, Coco convinced him that "darling, it's a tragic mistake to pick shoes before you pick the outfit", so he begrudgingly passed it. On the right, however, was a shop front that very much caught his eye. The hand-painted sign read Freddy's Flamboyant Formalwear in a rainbow-coloured script. "Coco." Charlie said, a hint of concern in his unwaveringly smooth voice. "Yes?" Her blonde highlights showed as she flicked her head around like one of those weird women in shampoo adverts. "We have to go in there. As a matter of urgency." Charlie beamed ear-to-ear as he looked at a leopard print suit in the window. "I never thought I'd say this," Coco mused, "but you actually have taste."

Looking like some sort of military force ready to stage a fashion coup, the nine pals entered the shop. Of course, Team RWBY didn't really need to be there, but they were damned if they were missing a chance to roast their roommates over some interesting fashion choices. Charlie browsed the patterns for a while before a rather overweight man in a pink lamé jacket rollerskated over. This must be Freddy. God, I hate the gays. Charlie's stream of slightly homophobic thought was interrupted by Freddy's strong Atlesian accent. "How may I help you? You need suit, I do good."
"Erm... I'm ok."
"You need suit? If so, you need me." Charlie relented with a sigh and sarcastically said, "Yes, I need suit."
"Very good! You looking to impress lady? Or man? You want jazzy? Or sensible?"
"I... I don't know. I want a suit."
"Yes, suit, what design?"
"Something that's quite flamboyant but not enough to get me lynched by Cardin."
"Ok. Only a little bit gay?"
"Yeah. I'd say less than that, even. At most, marginally gay."
"Then I have the perfect thing!" Freddy excitedly skated off to his stockroom, leaving Charlie to curse under his breath.

When he returned, he was holding something that, by his own eccentric standards, was relatively sensible. The jacket and trousers were a pure white, with little diamonds stuck onto the lapels, but the shirt and tie were a deep red. "I like it." Charlie said, and took another look. "But do you have anything bluer?" Freddy took off again, until Charlie briefly stopped him. "And I don't mean that sort of bluer!" His teeth were firmly gritted as the bizarre proprietor disappeared again. Moments after, he again appeared with a snazzy suit. This one had a white and silver floral shirt, with a deep blue tie, jacket and trousers. Apropos of nothing, of course, the jacket also featured large white epaulettes. Charlie looked it up and down and looked excitedly into Freddie's eyes. "Do you have a matching hat?"
"No." Freddy sighed. "But they might do at the hat shop." Charlie nodded sagely, before pulling out his wallet. "That'll be 150 Lien please." Charlie's eyes nearly popped out his head at this price, but no sooner had he fished out the first 100 Lien that Coco had handed over all 150. "It's on me." That was clearly just an attempt to flash her not inconsiderable wealth, but Charlie wasn't complaining about a free suit.

"Who are we looking for an outfit for next then?" Coco asked.
"I guess Billy." Charlie said, pointing apologetically at the boy who had come to a fashion hub in a black tracksuit like an emo Slav.

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