What Rhymes With Orange? Apparently Heavy Expense

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"Wait a second." Emily interjected, her face spelling out implicitly that she was pondering something. "Didn't you want to get a hat, Charlie? Where can we buy hats, Coco?"
"Look to your left. There's a shop called Happy Hatz. They might have some." Coco said, allowing Charlie and Em to lead the group over the the shop. The shop window here was a little less promising, with hats not in the flamboyant range of hues that would match with one of Freddy's more understated suits, but more in old-man-like greys and blacks and browns. "What about that one?" Emily joked, pointing at a tartan flat cap that, in all fairness, might have struggled to stretch around her team leader's sizeable head. "Fuck off." A single raised finger accompanied his answer as he practically dragged Emily inside the shop.

A jovial-looking old man behind the counter acknowledged the arrival of probably his youngest clientele, but made no attempt to speak to them as Charlie made his way to the Stetson section. They had an impressive range of colours and designs, and in the end Charlie had to call someone who knew about fashion over to help him. Unfortunately, Coco advised against a hat, so he had to ask Emily. She was qualified to talk about fashion, Charlie had reasoned with himself, because she was a woman. "What hat should I get?" Charlie asked bluntly, holding one in each hand. One was a pure white colour with blue stitching, whilst the other was a navy blue, with a white floral ribbon tied round it, the pattern not dissimilar to the one on the shirt he had just bought. Emily looked at him like he was some kind of alien, and ripped the white hat from him, before placing it back on the shelf. "That," she said, pointing toward the blue hat, "is the only acceptable option."
"Coolio." Charlie replied, picking up a brown one with it, and walking over to the till.

"40 Lien, old chap." The jovial man said, scanning the items. A quick read of his name badge showed that his name was Bernard Shore. Charlie handed over two 20 Lien cards, and came out with two hats in lovely gift boxes for his efforts. Upon getting outside, Coco looked Billy up and down. "Do you know what a suit is?" Her question was a little patronising, but- considering he was dressed like he was ready to squat and eat semechki- not invalid. "Yes. Do I have to wear one?"
"Yes. What colour? I'll find something."
"Ok. Wait here, you pillock."

Coco ran over to Suited and Tooted, a bizarre shop that sold both formalwear and musical horns. No more than a minute later, she returned with a basic, classic tuxedo. "What's that?" Billy asked, pointing toward the black bow sat atop the shirt. "It's a bow tie." Coco said matter-of-factly. "And you will wear it with the tuxedo." All of Billy's forthcoming protests were swept away when Coco showed him a pocket large enough for his scroll, and assured him that it would, in his own words, "score him some mad puss".

"Ok, I'm taking over sequencing now." Coco said, inserting herself between Emily, Kerian, Billy, and Charlie. "We're going shopping for Kerian next. Girls are always harder to shop for, and Emily is a girl." Team BECK and RWBY collectively nodded as Coco turned towards the semi-Faunus. "What sort of thing are you looking for, Special K?" Everyone laughed, as Kerian looked around in sheer befuddlement. "I guess just a nice grey suit with an orange shirt."
"Always with the orange. Orange this, orange that, orange my arse. How am I meant to make orange couture? Fine. We'll do it. I'll bite." Coco ranted, before leading the group over to yet another formalwear shop, Taylor's Tailors.

"Ah, Miss Adel. How nice to see you again! How can I assist today?" The shop assistant asked, handing the entire group complementary glasses of sparkling wine. Admittedly, this was only cava rather than champagne, but it was still a damn sight nicer than the lower denizens of Team BECK were used to. "Thanks, Charles. I require a suit making for a gentleman."
"Ok, would he like you to come to the designing booth with him?" Kerian opened his mouth to decline, but Coco had already said that he did, and so he had little choice but to follow on.

The remaining seven had very little idea what was going on, but they finally found out when he emerged forty-five minutes later. His shirt was a gorgeous burnt orange, and the collar was high enough to obscure most of his neck. There was nothing to hide, it just looked a little different. Coco had persuaded him to try a purple tie with it, and somehow it worked really well, even when paired with that most grandfather-esque of outfits, the grey tweed jacket and trousers. "I never thought this day would come." Charlie remarked, before continuing. "But you actually look presentable. Good, even."
"I do have to admit that you actually look quite handsome in that suit." Weiss said, visibly scathing about her inability to have a valid complaint about the suit. The joy was short-lived, however, as the shop assistant wandered back over with a tray of Viennese Whirl biscuits and a bill. Kerian's suit had cost a borderline-thieving 850 Lien. Charlie very nearly protested and refused to pay, but Coco calmly looked the assistant in the eyes and said, "Tell my father it was for business."
"As you like it, ma'am. Good day." Charles waved to them, as they all left the tailor's shop, baked good in hand. All that is, except for Emily, who had begun demolishing the other ten Viennese Whirls like a famished animal, before re-emerging covered in crumbs, and making half-baked apologies for her lateness.

"Ok, Emily," Coco said, looking her biscuity companion in the eye, "what do you want to wear?"

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