Chapter 1 - We're Just friends!

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Kaminari and Kirishima had been friends for as long as they could remember. Well, at least as long as their high school years had started, which, to be honest, was also when important memories were formed as well.

The two had formed a friendship within a few days of starting the hero course in class 1-A, in U.A. of course. [and I guess that's where you thought that's where I was gonna start the story, well. . . .you were almost right, then I changed my plans]

Kaminari's P.O.V
I woke up earlier than I had meant to that day, only 10:04 AM. I woke up to hear pounding on the door to my room. "Who is it??" I groaned, turning over and rolling out of bed.

"Hey man!! Get up, we were gonna hang out with the rest of the squad today!!" A familiar voice called from the other side of the door. Kirishima, I decided. I got up and quickly found a pair of leggings and a blue tee shirt. It was slightly cropped off and showed my stomach, but I didn't really mind.
I opened the door and greeted my friend "hey dude" I rubbed my eyes and then ran my fingers through my currently messy blonde hair.

"Great! You're up!!" The red haired student grinned a bit as he looked at me, then my outfit curiously "you're. . . . .going to wear that??" He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me.

"Oh fuck off!!" I rolled my eyes and smiled a bit "where are we going??" I looked over Eijirou quickly, he was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top sweating a bit I thought probably just got back from working out?? I made a quick mental note to ask about going with him next time, he was always saying how I needed more muscle.

"You ready to go??" The slightly taller student asked me, smiling as always. God, his smile had already made my day way better than it had been moments before when I had gotten out of bed. I've never had much of a clue why it made me feel like that. I smiled back at him.

"Yeah, of course, just lemme grab some stuff" I nodded, then turned and grabbed my bag, inside of it should have been a black power bank, a charging cord, a water bottle, and some snacks, a bottle of mountain dew and some candy, nothing too healthy even though Kirishima tried to convince me and Katsuki had yelled at me to eat something healthy instead.

"Alright, let's head out then, Mina and Sero are waiting for us. Katsuki got fed up and decided to walk" The red head shook his head and laughed a bit. I laughed along with him and slung my bag over my shoulder, following him into the hallway carefully. "So Mina wanted to go watch a movie then go get some food, Bakugo picked out the movie though. . . .so that'll be great" Kirishima laughed a bit more as they spoke to each other, continuing to walk down the hallways and outside.

"Yeah, that'll be fun" I smiled. Lord, his laugh was amazing! I don't think I'd ever be able to live without it to be honest. What am I thinking?? I asked myself He's your friend, your best bro. You like seeing him happy because of that. . . .I nodded, deciding that my theory was most likely a correct one. There couldn't be another one, obviously!! I laughed quietly.

"What's so Funny??" Kirishima asked in a confused tone, smiling at me lightly. It was a nice smile. Nothing more than that, he had a great smile, and that's what made him him. I was sure that everyone thought that

[Oh man, what an oblivious boi :000]

My face must've flushed a light shade of pink before I spoke because Kirishima blushed a tiny bit as well. Probably the heat I thought with another nod.

"Oh, just some meme that Sero sent me last night before Bakugo yelled at us to go to sleep" I answered. It wasn't a complete lie, Katsuki had in face yelled at the two of them to go to sleep and leave him alone, there hadn't been any memes involved however.

[Big oof, a huge surprise, I know]

"Oh, alright. . . ."Eijirou shrugged a bit and smiled, he seemed to notice something up ahead, because he grabbed my hand and started to run outside. "Come on, They're waiting!!" He laughed and dragged me along to the car, where Mina sat in the driver's seat with Sero on her left. Kirishima opened up the back door and slid over the seat in the back of the car. I carefully slid into the car and closed the door.

"God Mina, why is your back seat so small" I whined quietly. Kirishima's arm was pressed up against my own due to the limited amount of space in the back. I set my bag on my lap and took a deep breath before looking over at my friend. The pink haired student turned her head and looked back at me.

"Because it can be!" She grinned, then looked at me and Eijirou curiously for a moment. Why is she looking at my hand?? I frowned, then looked at it to see what she was so intently focused on. I was still holding onto Kirishima's hand.


I let go of his hand quickly and placed my hands in my lap. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I looked away from them all quickly. Ashido laughed lightly and looked up at the rearview mirror at me and Eijirou.

"What was that about?? And why are you two so embarrassed about it??" She giggled, nudging Sero with her elbow, as he had noticed it was well, though his expression was fairly blank as he looked at me in the mirror.

"We're just friends!! Stop assuming things Ashido!!" Me and Kirishima said at the same time, then looked over at each other in surprise. Eijirou's cheeks were tinted a light shade of red. God my cheeks were probably as red as his hair in that moment. Mina rolled her eyes and smiled a bit more.

"Yeah sure. . . .anyways, we better get going before Katsuki yells at us for being later than him" She laughed a bit and watched me and Eijirou buckle up before stepping on the gas pedal and starting to drive out of where she was parked. The car turned, and there was no other cars in the lot.

Oh no, Mina wait-

My thoughts were cut off as the pink haired student's car sped onto the road quickly, a grin on her face as she did so. I looked over at Kirishima, he had a terrified expression on his face, and I'm sure that I did as well. We looked at each other, wide eyed.

His eyes are so pretty. . . .They're red and yet so sweet, even if they look scared. . . .wait what??

I blinked, unsure what I was thinking about for a moment. I then unzipped my bag and grabbed my phone, turning it on and looking through the notifications slowly as we drove to the theater.

'We're just friends!'. . . . . I'd said it, why did it hurt to hear it in Kirishima's voice??

Authors Note:
Alright, So I'll try and update this at least once a week (and will be taking event suggestions!) Events suggested by readers will probably be used in the chapters after #5 or #6. I will not be using events directly, but will be taking suggestions and modifying them a bit. I'll add a chapter or two each week, but knowing me it'll be about 3 chapters a week to be honest. . . .anyways!

Word count: 1235, not counting authors note and comments


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