Chapter 7 - Keep You Happy

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Kaminari's P.o.V.

I woke up pretty late the next day. I ended up missing my alarm. I yawned quietly and sat up, looking at my phone quietly. There was a bunch of notifications.

shit, what'd i do this time??

I looked at the bakusquad group chat first.

-8:14 AM-
Kaminari where are you?!
Aizawa Sensei is going to mark you absent or some shit!
Are you sick?!
why aren't you online 😰
And why does it matter to thou?
I'm worried, alright? Lmao
uh huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
but seriously Kami, where are you?!
yeah bro, Aizawa is about to mark you absent
oh my god will you three just shut up?! If dunce face isn't in class and he isn't online right now, it doesn't fucking matter! Knowing him, he'll probably be online in not even a minute. Ugh.
yeah, bakugo is right
hopefully you're on soon Kami!
-8:24 AM-
holy shit!!
is homeroom done yet?!?
not yet
you better head over fast though.
before Aizawa gets attendance to the office or some shit
yhea, be there quick-


I quickly put on my uniform, not the doing the tie. That could wait until I was in the classroom. I grabbed my phone and ran towards the classroom.

When I got there, I threw open the door and ran to my seat. Almost all eyes were on me. I shivered a bit, and started to do my tie, looking down at my desk.

"How nice of you to join us Kaminari. . . " Aizawa's voice grumbled. I gulped and nodded quickly. Aizawa made a little note and then looked up at us. "As I was saying before Kaminari barged into the room. . . I'll be letting you guys do whatever you want for homeroom today. I'm tired." He glared a bit, then flopped over in his iconic yellow sleeping bag, soon closing his eyes and trying to go to sleep.

I looked around calmly before finishing up with my tie. I tucked it in a little bit, and stood up. When we got free time in advisory, our group would all meet up at the back of the room. I was going to head over when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Sero.

"Oh, hey bro!" I smiled "you need something?" He slightly nodded and smiled back at me.

"Yeah uhm. . .can you come with me?" He asked calmly. I smiled and nodded. I hopped over my desk and followed my raven haired friend out of the classroom.

We stood in the hallway quietly for what seemed like hours until Sero took a deep breath and finally spoke.

"Denki I. . .I like you. . ." He finally said. "And I was. . . was kinda hoping that. . .that we could be more than friends?. . . "

"Yeah dude! Best friends!" I grinned back at him happily.

"N-no like. . .kissing and stuff. . ." He said quietly, frowning at me quite a bit.

"Like. . . On the back of the hand?- or?-" I tilted my head, confused.

Hanta took a deep breath, letting it out quickly.

"I want to gay with you!" He said suddenly. I jumped in surprise.

I finally got what he meant. I gasped softly.

"O. . .oh!. . . .s-sorry about that then. . ." I said weakly. I frowned a bit and looked down, trying to process the new information. He stood in front of me, looking at his hands hopefully.

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