Chapter 12 - Wake Up Call

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⚠️Warnings: Gore, Sucidal Thoughts/Suicide, Big Sad, Descriptive Scenes⚠️

Mibōjin P.o.V (oh boy-)

Mina had been knocking on my door for a while now. I knew it was her, nobody else in the class would want to be here besides her. Even though the pink haired girl was knocking in such a desperate fashion, I wasn't going to open the door. I knew what she was going to tell me. That Kaminari had been poisoned. Jaidah had done it. I knew she would and I still helped...

I never knew exactly what Takahashi had against Kirishima in particular. All she told me was that she had she past with him...I didn't believe that at all.

But as soon as she asked me for my venom, I knew that something was wrong. She was planning something.

I need to get out of here.

Mina continued to knock on the door, hitting it harder with the side of her balled up fist.

"Kuro open the door!!" Her voice called desperately. I looked out the window, then at my desk, where an old spaghetti sauce jar stood. It was filled with foliage and webbing. I looked closer to see the medium sized spider crawling around under the leaves. Her legs were outstretched and she seemed to be trying to hide herself. She'd been fed yesterday, so I knew she wasn't looking for food. The black spindly spider eventually climbed up her webbing to the top of the jar, where she rested with her back turned to me. I could see the familiar hourglass shape on her backside. The same dark red one that replaced my pupils and told the world just how dangerous I was. I felt tears start to run down my cheeks, though I stayed silent.

I need to leave.

I need to leave.

I need to....

As I continued to stare at the spindly black spider, and Mina continued to bang on the door with her fist, an idea came to my mind. I quickly wrote something down and threw open my desk drawer, grabbing a vile and a plastic bag. Placing the vile on the not I left in my bed, I grabbed the bag and unscrewed the lid to the jar, putting the opened bag in its place.

"Get the fuck in the beg Kirā" I hissed angrily to the deadly spider. She let out a soft hiss back at me before climbing into the bag. I sealed it, then poked a few tiny holes in the top with my fangs. Mina hit on the door harder.

"Mibōjin!! I'm going to open the door!!" She shouted. I flinched, and quickly opened the window, sliding out and starting to scale down the side of the building. I heard Ashido open the door and gasp as she found the window open. I carefully moves the bag that Kirā crawled around inside of to my mouth and hopped down to a smaller ledge.

"Mibōjin!!" Mina shouted in a worried tone. I hopped down onto the grass and ran towards the woods, where I knew the dark red motorcycle I had bought myself the year before over in England sat hidden. I ran towards it and turned my head over my shoulder to see Mina looking out my window with wide eyes. She started to shout, but I couldn't quite make out what she was saying.

I ran.

As soon as I reached the dark red vehicle, I got on, starting the engine and riding down the trail I hid it near so I could get to the nearest roadway.

As I rode, I thought back to the note I had left.

Hey, You're not going to see me for a while, if ever again. I know what you're thinking. "Mibōjin you poisoned my friend! I trusted you!" I didn't poison him. Even if it was my poison. The vial next to the note holds some of the antidote from my brothers quirk. Please bring it to the hospital along with the note. Back to the venom. "If it wasn't you, then who was it!?" I hear you saying. I can't tell you. If the police have the information from the first venom killings back in England, they'll know they want to hunt me down. But it wasn't me. And I can't say who it was because of a code of secrecy I took when I started working with them. As I said about the police, if they know any good, they'll try and find and interrogate me. But they won't find me alive. You may be wondering why Kirā isn't in her enclosure. I need something from her before I release her into the wild. In simpler terms.. I'm going to leave the earth. I'm going to go out and... y'know...find my dad and sister, maybe even his dad. Sorry for leaving on such short notice. Tell him and Rhia I love em'. Love you girl
                            - Kuro Mibōjin
(P.s. once I'm gone you better listen to MCR like I told you to months ago, haha <3)

As I sped down the roadway towards my family's cabin, I thought about my family and friends back in England. need to gain some weight, you're a stick... Kekkyū?you shouldn't be so mean to can go suck an egg. Kashi? Dad? I'll see you soon.

"dammit…." I mumbled as I rode "Jaidah said she'd help me, and she…. DAMMIT!!" I fumed, shaking my head. I sighed quietly, shutting my eyes for a moment. I calmed myself down eventually, though soon enough a loud horn sounded.

My eyes widened and I swerved by motorcycle to the side. A large semi-truck barreled down the road towards me. I could see the driver trying to slam on the breaks but failing. I tried moving away, though the large truck hit the side of my bike as I was moving.

I was flung off of the bike and off the side of the road, rolling into a ditch. If the impact of the crash wasn't enough pain. I hit a sharp rock, earning a large gash running over the side of my stomach.

Lettin out a hoarse scream, I closed one eye as I stopped rolling. More vehicles barreled down the road.

"My bike. . ." I whined, slowly starting to get up. I brought my left arm up to the large gash, which was starting to gush blood.

At this point, I knew Kirā was dead. A small spider surviving a crash like that?? Almost impossible. I cried quietly for a moment before realizing self pity wouldn't do me any good. Not any more. If I really wanted to commit to my plan, I needed to find another way, now that my original way was smudged flat against the side of my motorcycle.

I applied as much pressure to the wound as I could, though my jacket was starting to stain a dark red color. I tried to raise my right arm but groaned, not able to. Slowly, I started to limp into the forest, trailing a bit of blood behind me. I took off my jacket as quickly as I could, hurting my broken arm more in the process.

I then weakly tied the jacket around the flesh wound, though made sure it was right before limping on, grasping onto trees as I. walked. Often, I'd leave lightly bloody handprints on the bark. I stayed quiet, I could feel a large scratch going over my eye from a smaller rock.

"I swear to God if I die because of a god damn flesh wound I'm going to shank a ghost. If I wanted to kill myself on my bike I would have done that. Why do you have to ruin my plans, truck!?" I said under their breath, I could hear my tone angry as always. I was glaring at the ground as I limped forward. The bleeding was starting to get worse at this point.

"Maybe if I just...bleed in the forest..." I laughed, amused for a moment. "No. I have a purpose. I can't let mother nature do what it wants to me. If I want to die, I'll do it myself." I hissed angrily at thought before looking around.


An idea came to mind, and I pulled a few vines down from the trees above before climbing up one of the trees with a form of rope.

"The world didn't need me anyways...this was just another reason to go..."Tears slipped down my cheeks as I slipped the makeshift noose onto a sturdy branch on the tree. I climbed down and sniffled, wiping my tears off on my arm. I winced as I moved, the wound on my stomach becoming more irritated with each movement. I felt the blood still dripping rapidly out of my side and arm.

As I climbed up onto a rock and reached up slightly, I grabbed the  rope of vines and took a deep breath.

"No crying when you see the devil. It's just a sign of weakness..." I mumbled to myself, taking a moment to stop crying before slipping my head into the makeshift noose. And with that, I kicked the rock out from under my feet and let myself hang there.

"I'll see you soon dad" I said softly, letting a small smile creep onto my face. "This is a wake up call.." I whispered. My last moments weren't afraid, I wasn't some whimpering child in the corner, crying as if I didn't want to do something. They were happy. My vision went dark, and suddenly, I felt nothing.

Word Count: 1617

Sorry for the sensitive topics in this chapter!! However, it provides information I need for the next chapter. That being said, if you're feeling like Kuro, seek out help, people care about your well-being. Stay safe loves!!

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