17 - Hysterics

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Kirishima's P.o.V

Mina had been crying hysterically for almost an hour. To the point where nurses asked if she was okay, and Bakugou had stopped telling at her to shut up and was trying to calm her down "forcing her to shut up", in his own words.

The three of us sat around her, trying to calm her down to the point where she was finally able to get some full words out.

"They're alive I swear I- I-" Mina cut off and started crying once again.

"Who, Mina?" Bakugou asked in a calm tone, which was followed by an obviously fake and long delayed growl.

"I- Kuro! I- I swear that I- The lady! The...the.." Mina trailed off, her lip quivering. "She carried! Carried them! Into the forest!! I saw!!!" Mina screamed, tears pouring down her face once again as she continued to speak incomprehensible gibberish, mainly to herself. She'd get angry whenever one of the three of us didn't seem to understand her, and would begin to cry once again. Sero gulped before carefully placing his hand on the pink skinned female's shoulder, rubbing it lightly.

I rubbed at the back of my neck before glancing out the window. There was nothing there but the forest, though I didn't doubt that Mina had seen someone out there. As my eyes darted around the room, looking at every little bit, I felt my gaze linger on Kaminari for a moment. I could feel my eyes start to water, and I quickly looked away, only to find myself staring at the television in the top right corner of the hospital room. I watched silently, almost tuning everyone else out as a news broadcast flickered to life. The reporter's voice boomed over the speakers, and I couldn't help but continue staring at the screen.

"Today, detectives working the mysterious case of Pro Hero, Weaver, have found new evidence, leading them to believe there may be either another suspect in his disappearance, or possibly even another victim of the same crime. Just an hour ago, Detectives found a set of fangs, almost 2.5 cm in length, as well as venom glands. After DNA testing, detectives have found the identity of this person. Although we have no access to the identity of this person until those above the case have decided to release details, We suspect that this case may be related to the case of Denki Kaminari, a student at UA High School-" The news reporter had no time to finish as Sero quickly snatched up the remote and flicked it off, just as Mina started bawling again.

"KUROS FANGS! THEY'RE GOING TO KILL THEM!! I NEED TO HELP!!" The pink haired student shrieked, tears cascading down her cheeks. As she screamed and screamed, a rapid beeping arose from another part of the room.

I looked over just in time to see the heart monitor beside Kaminari's bed spiking as the rapid beeping intensified. A doctor walking in the hallway quickly rushed in and looked at the machine. Everything seemed to be going so fast. I watched, speechless, as Mina continued to scream.

My ears were ringing. A shriek that got louder every second until it drowned out the sounds of the room. The beeping. The rapid breathing. The screaming and crying. I felt my own breath start to accelerate.

Just as my vision started to darken and I crashed down to the floor.

Hours had passed by the time I woke up, I had been placed in a chair on the other side of the room. As I looked up, nobody else but me was in the room. Nobody but me and Kaminari. I looked over at him, only to see him sitting up, staring at me. I gasped and rushed over.

"Kaminari?? I-" I felt myself begin to cry. The blonde blinked and let out a pain-wracking cough. I grabbed his hand and he turned his head to slightly smile at me. "Are you okay? God I was so worried about you Kaminari" I cried quietly. He gave me a confused look and looked away, not saying anything. I looked at him and cried silently, holding his hand up to my forehead as I brought my hands together and looked down, leaning against the railing of the hospital bed he lay in.

As I sat there, I heard voices and looked up to see Mina, still crying and now wrapped in Sero's jacket, enter the room with Hanta and Katsuki. As they walked in, the phone resting on the table on the other side of the room, Kaminari's, let out a ding. I glanced over and slowly stood up, walking over to look at it. I silently turned it on and walked back ovee. There was a video attachment and a message from an unknown number. I looked over at Kaminari and then held the phone out in front of him.

"Can you unlock this?" I said softly, staring at him before looking away. As I glanced back, he seemed to be trying to move his hands, but couldn't. I frowned, and moved my hand forward, putting it in front of his face. He seemed to get real quick what I was suggesting, and typed in his PIN number with his nose before nodding as I pulled my hand away. As I opened up the notification, I silently read the message to myself and walked over to the others, getting a confused and worried look from Denki. The three looked into the phone as I read the message again, and again. And again.

I can see you right now. If you don't respond or watch the video, just know that I have a good buddy of mine access the street who is fully willing to take all four of you down without question because of what I've offered him.

I shivered and silently tapped on the attachment, turning the phone and watching as a black screen quickly turned to a terrifying scene. The four of us watched as a silver haired woman in a dark room walked over to a chair where a person in red sat, tied up with a bag over their head. I knew immediately that it was Mibōjin, and Mina must have as well, considering that she quickly started crying silently. The woman pulled off the bag and silently grabbed mibōjin's chin, tugging it up and to the side in order to look at her before tossing it back, Mibōjin quickly looking at the camera in horror.

"Hello you four~" Takahashi's voice purred through the phone's speaker. I shivered. "As you can see, I've got Mibojin right here..as well..," she giggled and walked off screen, only to kick a lump but breathing body onto the screen. "As your precious hero, Weaver." She smiled with malice. "As you may have been able to guess, I want that vial Mibōjin left you with their 'suicide' note." She kicked the student's shin and laughed. A deep laugh came from behind the camera, and a small amount of purple hair brushed over the lens. "If you want Mibojin back, you'll leave the antivenom in Riverside Park behind the bench at the edge of the forest." She stated calmly, crossing her hands over her chest. "What about Weaver??" She said in a mocking tone before continuing. "You may ask. If you are compliant, and do not tell anyone about this, or who I am, I will leave these two in the care of the hospital you all are staying in at the moment." She stated with a grin, then leaned down and whispered something in Mibōjin's ear, clearly distressing the student enough to start struggling and staring at Weaver in a panic. Jaidah laughed and stood up, quickly walking off the screen and behind the camera. There was a quick kissing sound coming from above wherever the camera was before the video flickered and ended.

I felt my breathing speed up as I clicked out of the video, only to see that the video and the conversation, were deleted. I frowned and quickly tossed the phone into a chair nearby and looked out the window, starting to cry. Mina had started screaming and sobbing again and was leaving the room with Sero. Kaminari sat there, looking confused, and Bakugou stood there, leaning against the door with a frown on his face.

What the hell are we supposed to do.

From Author:
Hello everyone!! This is the first of two chapters that are going to be edited and posted by my girlfriend Saki. I hope you've enjoyed it and will hopefully enjoy the others! Big things are coming!!

From Saki:
Hello!! Thank you all so much for showing support for my boyfriend during this time, and showing me support for allowing me to edit and post these chapters while he is away. Thank you for reading!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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