Chapter 14 - Succubus

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This chapter contains gore

Kirishima's P.o.V

I looked up at the silver haired female, my eyes widened in fear and shock.

I hadn't seen her in so long, but she was? She was just the worker at the bubble tea place me and Kami went to earlier. She couldn't have been who she claimed she was. Or had been, anyways.

"You aren't going to talk to me? How sad...I'm sorry I'm late, it's kinda hard to make sure your biggest asset doesn't kill themself" The female grumbled, rolling her eyes. "I'm going to need that vial Mina left for Kaminari." Her eyes narrowed.

"Wha- No!" I shouted, darting forward and grabbing the vial off of thee table where it had been set down. The room continued to fill with the black fog,a

As the fog continued to fill the room, and me and Jaidah continued to dart around, both trying to keep the vial in our possession, Kaminari's heart rate slowly rose higher and higher. His breathing grew quickly uneven and I looked over just in time to see it reach 200.

My eyes widened and I tried to press the button on the bed that would signal a doctor. But Jaidah quickly noticed my intentions and snatched the button up, tearing it away from the wire that made it work.

"Jaidah please" I said quietly. "What did he ever do to you to deserve this?!" The tears returned to my eyes once again and they soon streaked down my cheeks.

"Huh?" Jaidah sneered at me, glancing over at the vial before snatching it. "Do you even know what I can do with this vial? I know how to play Mibōjin like the cheap instrument they are." Jaidah growled in response, then grinned as she lifted the vial up to her face.

"Then...then why don't you explain to me what it can do!!" I said, trying to get as much information out of her as possible. Maybe I could get the vial back.

"Hah! Not a chance, dumbass!" The silver haired female chortled, her Russian accent slowly making its way back into her speech. Something I hadn't heard in quite some time. "I am not going to be one of those villains that explains their plan to the one trying to stop them!" She laughed a bit more.

I winced, looking down at the ground, then at Kaminari's rising heart rate.

"Please!! He's going to die if he doesn't get that!!" I whispered. The tears had stopped falling, but I could feel them gathering at my eyes. I could feel how the previous ones had stained my cheeks.

"That's the point" Jaidah whispered back. "I'll be the one behind the crime, and nobody will ever know. All because that filthy little nobody, Kuroi Mibōjin, just couldn't deal with knowing that their venom killed someone"

She laughed softly, then grabbed a syringe from the table and carefully poured the contents of the vial inside of it.

"Jaidah please! I'll do anything!!" I begged, trying to quickly reach over and grab the syringe as she moved it towards her inner elbow.

"I already told you no. I should have left this building as soon as possible" She groaned. "But a Succubus doesn't stop. Not until her prey understands that she's won." The villain finished with a sneer, though her constant state of mischief still glimmered in her eyes. There was no doubt that at one point I had found her to be beautiful, as did many other men. But this was different.

I knew that this wouldn't be one of those movies where the hero suddenly won. I was on my own, she knew exactly how my quirk worked, she knew the weaknesses of it.

And knowing her, I was exactly where she wanted me to be.

Jaidah let out a quick hiss of laughter before slowly making her way over to the other side of the bed, carefully reaching down towards the mess of cords behind the hospital bed.

I took in a sharp breath before   standing up. Kaminari's heart rate skyrocketed and the machine next to him started rapidly beeping. I swiped my hand over the bed, smacking Jaidah across the cheek.

Jaidah looked up, her icy blue eyes blazing with anger.

"I'm..sorry?!" She hissed at me, leaping over the bed suddenly and shoving me back against the wall. Her long, painted black fingernails dug into my skin, leaving deep indents in it. She pressed harder into my skin, sneering up at me. Her fingernails pressed through the skin and drew a bit of blood.

I took a deep breath and took a moment, saying nothing to her. She started to speak when I activated my quirk.

My skin grew hard, turning to a tan colored rock texture. Jaidah yelled in pain, pulling her hand back. Three of her black painted nails ripped off of her fingers and stuck into my skin.

The silver haired female screamed, her breathing quickening. I yelled a bit as her nails stuck there in my skin. I quickly deactivated my quirk and yelled more as the few nails stayed in place, dug deep into my skin. At least they were holding the blood in.

Jaidah looked at her hand in fear, her fingertips bleeding. I could only assume that the pain she was feeling was from the nerve endings under her nails. She stumbled backwards and kept breathing at an uneven pace. She looked out the window of the hospital room and slid it open as soon as a loud thump followed by a lot of yelling, who I could only assume was Sero and Bakugo.

Jaidah looked at the door as a crack appeared in the glass bit at the top. She took a deep breath and leapt out the window. I ran over to see her roll right as she hit the ground, soon running off into the forest nearby.

I felt my breathing get uneven and I slowly sunk down the wall of the room and held my arm tight, right where the nails were. Of course, I didn't realize that doing to would only push them in further, and was only focused on keeping the pain from spreading to the rest of my arm.

There was a loud snap and then a thump followed by footsteps. I looked up to see Bakugo standing in the door, Sero rushing over to Kaminari, Mina running over to the window and looking out worriedly, and a nurse rushing back into the room and over to the machine by Kaminari's hospital bed.

Word Count: 1124

Sorry I haven't updated as much on the past few months! I hope everyone had a wonderful holidays!!

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