Chapter 9 - Storm

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Third Person P.o.V.


"no. no no no no no-! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!" Kirishima shouted looking down at Kaminari with wide eyes, not sure what to do in his newly found panic. Though he quickly decided on what he'd do, he first tried to calm himself.

The redhead took a few deep breaths before grabbing his phone and dialing 119.

"I need an ambulance. Right now. Please!!" The male student pleaded with the operator on the other side of the phone.

"Woah calm down sweetie, I need you to slow down so we can help you" the female on the other end of the phone said worriedly.

"I need an ambulance at U.A highschool!!" He continued to cry worriedly into the phone.

"You have a medical worker there alright though, right??"

"He's coughing up blood and he can't breath and he looks like he's going to die!!" He shouted into the phone, starting to cry.

"Okay. We'll  send one there quickly. Can you get the patient outside by the road? We don't want any students getting panicked by seeing them" Kirishima nodded quietly.

"Okay-!" He said and quickly hung up, picking Kaminari up off of the floor. "Hey- it's okay i got you please....please stay alive" he whispered, shoving his phone in his pocket and soon running out of the room with Kaminari in his arms. He ran outside quickly, the ambulance was down the block. Kaminari continued to wheeze. Kirishima looked around, Mina was headed outside. She gave him worried look and got closer just as the ambulance pulled up. The pink haired girl's eyes widened as she saw Kaminari cough up more blood. Kirishima helped the paramedics put Kaminari in the stretcher and into the ambulance. The redhead sat next to the blonde, holding onto his hand tightly as tears ran down his face.

The ambulance darted down the road, heading to the hospital. As we got there the paramedics opened the back doors to the ambulance and rushed Kaminari into the hospital. Kirishima followed quickly, though was stopped as they got into a hospital room.

"We can't have you in the room right now, our head doctor just entered the room and needs to diagnose what's happening right now." A short female with dark ruby hair said. She adjusted her glasses and pulled on a mask and some gloves before entering the room.

Kirishima's P.o.V.

I watched through a window as four or five doctors stood around Denki, all talking to eachother frantically. One of them suddenly moved. I could barely hear her through the walls, though I could make out the words. 'give....him the......that should.....' and then she was cut off. One of the doctors grabbed a needle and quickly stuck it into Kaminari's arm. He groaned, but his heart rate was slowly getting back to a normal pace. The doctors stepped back. The doctor with midnight blue hair and pale green eyes left the room first, soon followed by the other few doctors.

The doctor left Kaminari’s room and took off her mask to look up at me. “You’re going to have to wait to see him, we’re not sure if this is a disease or not yet, and if it is, whether it’s contagious or not.” She said simply, not making eye contact however.

"But I want to see him!! I don't care if I get sick or not! Ma'am with all due respect-"She cut me off by raising her left hand to silence me. The blue haired doctor soon enough walked over to the phone on the wall and clicked a few buttons, soon raising the device to her head. “I’m going to need an officer here at Whitemeadow Hospital quickly. We have a similar case to the one seven years ago with Dr. Ishi.” She said in a sharp but slightly panicked tone.

"Not today Satan"I mumbled, shaking my head and looking back over at where Kaminari lay in the room labeled 'quarentine' hopefully he'd be moved into a normal hospital room soon. "I need to find out what she's talking about.... who's doctor ishi??" I sighed and sat down across from Kaminari's room, keeping s close watch on the head doctor on the phone. She hung up and waited by the stairwell.

An officer came up to the floor moments later, rushing up the stairs and turning quickly to get to the doctor, who was pacing around the room moments before.

"You said something about Dr. Ishi’s case?...Ma’am thats...thats impossible." The officer frowned suddenly, looking extremely worried. "He was all the way over in England when that case appeared. All the other ones were in England. How'd it suddenly transfer to Japan of all places?!"

"These are the exact same symptoms. He’s coughing up blood, he can’t breath…"The doctor went silent for a moment, looking around anxiously for a moment, I don't think she saw me nearby.

"I already ran the blood tests...there were traces of poison in his system."

"So? Poisoning could be common with students from U.A., they're training to be heros after all" The officer blinked. The doctor leaned in a bit, holding up their hand and whispering, though since the room was empty, the sound echoed louder than it was originally.

"it wasn’t any poison. It was venom. Not exactly the same as the venom Dr. Ishi had found in the first patient...stronger actually, you’re new to the station, yes?" The officer nodded slowly, a confused but highly concerned look on his face."This type of venom is similar to the black widow's venom, a venom that can only be found in the quirks of….."She trailed off, her tone getting more worried by the second as she spoke, looking up at the officer. "I think that our patient may have ingested something that had been laced with venom, otherwise he’d be dead already, there's no bite marks on his skin. Only scratches on his neck from his own nails because he couldn’t breath." The officer blinked, mouthing the words ‘you mean-?’ the doctor only nodded before turning away from the officer.

"I need GL-H94 as fast as possible, it isn't any sort of antidote but I may just slow down the symptoms."  The doctor said quickly before going back towards the room anxiously. The officer however, rushed off very quickly, breaking into a sprint and going back down the stairs to the main floor.

What is that??

I blinked, confused as she walked back into Kaminari's room, pulling on new gloves and a mask on. She sighed a bit as she watched me move and stand by the window, my hand resting in the glass as I looked in at Kaminari. She reached over to a machine, then the bed. She picked up a clipboard calmly and soon enough came outside, speaking to me. The door slid shut behind her.

"Hey. I need information on the patient now that the situation has been...." She trailed off, pausing for a moment. "....has been stilled....."

Word Count: 1179

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