16 - Jaidah Takahashi

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️⚠️Warning⚠️ This chapter contains gore and suggestive themes

Unknown P.o.V

It was dark all around me when I woke up. The ground was hard and cold, and a set of chains around my wrists connected me to a wall. The room had no windows, and all I could see that wasn't close to me was a door, high above the ground, with what must have been a set of stairs leading down to the room I was in. I must have been in a basement. As I slowly sat up and started looking around me closer, my eyes finally adjusting to the light, the door swung open briefly, revealing a bring light from upstairs.

In the door stood the figure of a woman. She took a few steps forward down the stairs, her shoes clacking against the material before slamming the door shut and dimming the room down to darkness once again.

Am I dead?

"Hello~" A feminine voice purred close to my ear. I jumped to the side, feeling a sharp pain in my wrist as I went too far away from the wall. The girl chuckled, and suddenly, the sound of a lighter clicked, and there was a small flame off to my side. It moved, and a candle flickered to life on a table beside me. I squinted, my eyes adjusting slowly to my surroundings.

A woman stood off to my side by the candle, she wore black boots and a skirt, as well as a black studded leather jacket. Her hair was silver with a black strike, and her eyes were a piercing ice blue. I gulped as I looked up at her.

"I'm glad that you're finally awake.. I heard that you were the hero assigned to my capture" She laughed softly, an erie chuckle that echoed in the empty room. The female crouched down, her left knee on the floor and her right hand trailing up my chest and to my chin. "I have a special surprise for you upstairs, do you want me to go get it? Or should I fool around with you for a little while..." She laughed softly.

I didn't answer, and quickly looked away from her. I had graduated from my highschool almost 3 years early and became a hero just for this? To deal with this? I was starting to think this lifestyle was a mistake. But I was doing this job for a reason. I had people to protect back home.

"Nothing to say?" She smiled slyly and stood up. "I guess you're just impatient then..." She took a deep breath out and a dark colored fog came out of her mouth, surrounding the floor around me. "I'll go get your surprise real quick...try not to breath too much" she laughed and headed for the stairs.

As she went upstairs, I looked at the fog, then the chains connecting me to the wall. I needed to find some way out of here. As I moved my arms forward, tugging at the chains, the fog came closer to me, I stopped, and the fog backed away to it's original position. I tugged again, trying to break the chain off the wall. The fog came at me quickly, surrounding my face. I struggled not to breath, but eventually gave up and took a deep breath in. Although the fog tasted sweet in flavor, I knew it had to be bad.

The fog quickly disappeared and I was left feeling weaker by the moment as the door opened. The woman seemed to be carrying something over her shoulder. As she closed the door, the flick of a switch sounded and the whole room was illuminated. Along the walls were more sets of chains, pliers, tools, sharp knives, and quite a few guns. On the table with the candle was a set of tools I was familiar with. Torture tools.

I looked back up at the woman, squinting. The figure on her shoulder was a person. They seemed familiar to me, short black hair fell down the side of their head, ending with a dark red color. Their skin was a tanned color, though they were a bit pale. They hit at the woman's back as she carried them down the stairs and to a set of chains near me. I saw their face and my eyes widened.

"LET THEM GO!!" I yelled, struggling to get out of the chains.

"Oh I'm so glad you can recognize your significant other hero... I did a lot of research on you when I learned you'd be coming after me.." She laughed. "What a shame you don't know anything about me in return" The woman pouted and affixed the chains to the wrists of her 'special gift.'

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