Every Time *H.MM x W.JH*

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Cuz every time I see your face. My heart does begin to race every time. - Janet Jackson - Every Time

How long has Momo has been here? She lost count, as she was curled in a ball in the corner of a dirty, wet, cold cell. Her ankle was chained to the wall, unable to move freely. Her clothes were dirty and torn, lucky to be able to cover herself. She only had a little bar window to have some sunlight in there.

"Jun...forget me..." she was able to whisper, closing her eyes to see her prince. She had vague idea of what he looks like now, but her heart was still racing. After being in this place for so long, she can't remember anything to this point. Even her remember of her dear prince was fading from her, it was her only hope to stay alive.

Nobody has come to recuse her, as the only person she has seen was some girl giving her food and water. Momo has rejected everything, just wanting to end her life. She was just the daughter of the local florist in town, who loves flowers. Prince Jun happened to be at their shop to get some flowers for his mother. That is when they fell in love with each other. Jun would sneak around the town, shop and her home to see her. They would shares stories and kisses with each other. They were doing a good job without anyone knowing.

Until one day, the royal guards came and got Momo. She was presenting to the King and Queen, as Jun was out hunting with friends. They did not like their son falling for a commoner. They send Momo away to one of their abandoned forts and in the prison for life or until their son forgets about her. So far, she wasn't let free, meaning he hasn't forgot about her.

"Just forget me Jun," she whispered. Her body was weak, as she looked up to the window. The sun was gone and it was dark. Momo sighed, as she closed her eyes. Everything was weak for her, as this might be the last time she could open her eyes.

"Forget me..." she mumbled, before darkness met her.
"This is it," Prince Jun said, as he and his loyal men came across the abandoned fort deep in the forest. He pulled out the note saying his peach blossom was inside here. They got off their horses and slowly entered the fort.

"We must be careful your highness," said Minghao, "We don't know what your parents may have done to this fort and to Momo." Jun gritted his teeth and clutch his fists, thinking what could become of his sweet Momo.

When he found out about Momo's disappearance, he was lost in words. Her dear mother was in tears about her daughter. She was able to tell him, the royal guards came for her and she was not seen since. He confront his parents, but they dismissed him in forgetting about her. He did search the castle dungeon, but she was not there. For a month, Jun kept searching for Momo, as his parents kept telling him to forget her. He would not forget the only person who loves him for him. His own parents don't love him. Sure his loyal men does, but not like how Momo does. Just seeing her face makes his heart races, every time. He is going to make her his bride, future queen, and mother to his children. It was only recent, a young maid named Dahyun cane forward with a note, stating Momo is alive and was held here. He did not waste time to hurry here to recuse his beloved Momo.

After walking through the fort for over two hours, who would have thought this fort was even that big, Vernon discovered something. He saw a body of a girl in the corner of the cell, not moving.

"Your highness, I believe I found her," called out Vernon. Jun ran over to the cell and looked at the body.

"Momo..." he whispered, as he tried to open the cell, but it was locked. "Come help me," he called his men. Soon all of them were trying to get the cell open. It took them a few tries, but they managed to break the rusty door down. Jun ran to Momo and kneeled down to her level. He gently gathered her in his arms and stared down at her. Even looking so dirty, pale, and weak, she was still a breath of fresh air to him. He felt his heart racing looking at her, as he moved his hand to her cheek.

"Peach, I'm here," he whispered to her. No answer from the girl. He checked her breathing and she was but it was weak. "We need to get her medical attention." He lift her up in his arms, but the chain in her ankle kept her out. "Son of a bitch..." he mumbled, as Mingyu work on the chain. After a few minutes, Momo was free. Jun held a strong hold on her, as they made it out of the fort with ease this time of around since they mark the way to the door. Jun had Minghao hold Momo, as he got on the horse.

"She is too light, must have not eaten much," he said, as he gently handled Momo to Jun. Vernon got a blanket and gave it to Jun to wrap Momo in it.

"It's all right, love. We are going to get you to safety," he said to her, giving her a kiss on the lips. She didn't response, as he was getting worry. "Let's go to my cottage. Mingyu, go fetch Joshua and bring him to the cottage with his medical items." He made sure Momo was secured before they took off.
"How is she?" Jun asked, as Joshua came out of the room.

"She is really malnourished. She barely took the fluids I gave to her. She needs a lot of rest, fluids and food," he said, giving Jun medicine for her. "I clean her up and put fresh clothes on her."

"I thank you Doctor." Jun left the doctor and entered the room. He sighed, seeing his love, lying in bed. He walked over to the bed and lay down next to her. He brought her close to him and kiss her pale cheek.

"I will not leave you ever again," he whispered to her, resting his head on top of hers. "Nobody will ever touch you again. I will kill anyone who harms you." Momo didn't move or open her eyes, as Jun kept his emotions together. "Please open your eyes for me...I want to see those sparkling eyes once again. I want to feel your hands on my cheeks. I want to feel those lips on mine. Momo, please wake up." No response, as Jun just kept his hold on Momo. "We will get through this. We must, I love you my dear Momo, my future queen, the mother of our children."
A/N: and I will leave it there, unless you want a part two...

Perfect Two *H.MM x AnyMaleIdol* Book 1 (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora