Crown *H.MM x C.SB* Bonus Ship

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You become my crown. The sensation of going pit-a-pat - TxT - Crown

"Hurry up Momo or we are going to be late," Jihyo called out, as Momo was trying to get a box of Pocky from the top shelf.

"Go ahead, I will caught up in a minute," she called back, as she was climbing a bit of the shelves to get the Pocky. She would have giving up a while, but it's chocolate banana flavors and it's the only one left. "Why put the good stuff on the top?" She could barely get a fingertip on the box. Then the box moved forward and over her.

"Let me help you, Momo-noona," said a voice, as Momo turned her head to see a dimpled boy, a tall dimples boy, holding her Pocky. She recognized him as one of the member of the new group from BigHit. She didn't know his name yet, as she gave him a smile. His cheeks started to turn red, as she found it cute.

"Thank you...uhhh..." Momo looked down to see she was about five feet from the ground. That doesn't seem far, but to Momo it could be 1000 feet down. Momo was scared of heights, as she turn her back to hide her face. She is going to be stuck in her spot forever.

"Momo-noona, do you need help?" Momo just nodded, as she shut her eyes, trying not to cry. She was shaking a bit, as he could see the shelf shaking. "All right, is it all right if I can touch you?" Momo nodded again, as the boy gently wrapped an arm around her waist and hook her legs with his other arm. Momo was holding onto the shelf, as he spoke to her. "I promise, I won't let you go." Momo slowly releases the shelf and he carried her off to safety. He set her down, as she turn to end up staring at his chest. She took a step back to see his face.

"Uhhh...thank you so much," she said, giving him a bow. "Sorry I do have a fear of heights."

"It's perfectly all right, Momo-Noona," he said, holding out the box. Momo took it and gave him a smile.

"Please call me Momo...uhhh," she blushed in embarrassment, "I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with all the names in your group just yet."

"It's quite fine, I'm TxT leader, Soobin and you are Twice main dancer, Momo." She nodded, as she studied him. He was younger than her that's for sure. He was quite tall as well, making Momo feel shorter than she was. For some reason, he remind her as a bunny, because he looks so soft.

"Bunny..." she mumbled, as she covered her mouth. She looked at him, who clearly heard her. "I didn't mean it...I mean you remind me of one, but I...."

"It's all right, everyone calls me a bunny." He gave her a smile to show off his dimples. Momo took a step to him and on her tippy toes poke at his dimples.

"Cute," she said, as she heard Jihyo roaring at her.

"If you aren't out of that room in one minute, I will drag you out myself!" Momo jumped at her voice, as she turned to Soobin.

"Thank you again." She ran out of the room in a hurry, as he just smile at her retreating back.
The next time they met again, Momo was trying to get her teddy bear from the high shelf. Tzuyu decided it would be funny to put it high for Momo to try and get it. The girls left to get lunch at catering, but Momo wasn't going to leave her bear there.

"Stupid Tzuyu," she mumbled, climbing up the shelf once again to grabbed her bear. "If only Soobin was here to help me." Momo almost reach the bear, as she lost her footing and went flying backwards from the shelf. Momo let out a scream, as she fell on her butt. She looked up to see the shelf falling down and it was going to land on her. She braced for impact, closing her eyes and hoping it won't hurt. She didn't feel anything, as she opened her eyes and gasped. Soobin was holding onto the shelf and push it back with ease.

"You all right, Momo," he asked her, taking her hand and helping her up. "I heard you scream when I walk by." Momo bowed to him, as she felt a sharp pain in her lower back. She nearly fell to her knees, if Soobin didn't catch her. She clutched onto his arms, breathing deeply. When she fell, she may have pulled a muscle in her back. "Momo..."

"My back..." she managed to choke out. Soobin understood and gently pick her up. Scooping like he did last time they met, Momo let out a little sob.

"Let me get you to the medic," he told her, as she nodded. She was trying her best not to cry. He walked with her in his arms to the medic for her to be checked out.
The third time they met, Momo was staring down at the yummy chocolate banana Pocky on the top shelf. Why does this shelf hates her? She just stared at the Pocky, as she was not going to climb on the shelf. She nearly got killed by it, if Soobin didn't save her. Her back was getting better from that pinch nerve she suffered from.

"When is Soobin when you need him? I better get a chair or..." Momo didn't get to finished , as she felt hands on her hips and hoist her up. She let out a little scream, as she sat on someone's shoulder. She looked down to see it was Soobin with his dimples smile.

"I thought this time I give you a little boost." He kept a grip on her legs, so she wouldn't fall. "I got you." Momo nodded, as she looked at the box of Pocky and grabbed it.

"Wow, everything is different when you are this high," she said, as Soobin chuckled at her. "Please I want down." Soobin gently got her down to her feet, as she smiled. "Thank you so much."

"You are welcome." Momo wanted to give him a reward, as she tried to reach his cheek to give him a kiss. Yet it's a bit tough for her to reach his face.

"Come down just a bit." He leaned down, as she gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for helping me. This is the third time you help me with that evil shelf." His cheeks were red from the kiss.

"It's nothing really."

"No, you did so much for me. What can I do to reward you. I'm sure a kiss on the cheek isn't enough."

"Dinner tonight?"

"Sure, I would love that."
Next part is Part 125 with Momo and Taehyung!!! Yay!!!....yeah....
Jungkook: You have no clue what to write?
No!!! But something might hit me. We are still tied with Taeyong and Doyoung in Part 127.
Doyoung: -on a podium- Vote for me!
Taeyong: Can I give all my votes to Mark? He would win with his two plus my four.
....No. still not talking to Johnny?
Taeyong: Yeah he is still in shock I ask about a divorce and I am just milking this until the next part. I'm not going to divorce him, but.....
Jisung and Chenle: -carrying a huge heavy basket of roses to Taeyong- Forgive the man! This weights a ton here.
Taeyong:....I like the attention.
I see you, I see you. Let me know in the comments what you like to see on the wheel for a change to be with Momo.

Comment and vote
Bye sweetie sweetie.

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