Lately *H.MM x K.YG*

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Lately I've been torn apart. I wish you hadn't broke my heart - Divine - Lately

Momo open her eyes and sat up in her bed. She was breathing hard, as she looked at the clock on her end table and it read 2:15 am. She took some deep breaths, shaking her head to clear her mind. She looked over to see her young husband, Yugyeom in deep sleep next to her. She had a faint smile on her face, brushing his hair out of her eyes. He didn't stirred, as she slowly move out of bed. Momo put a hand on her growing bump, feeling their child kicking her. She rubbed her bump, as she stood up and threw a robe on. She waddled herself to the kitchen to make warm tea.

Lately, she been having nightmares about her marriage and their baby. It was keeping her up and making her sleep less. She kept seeing Yugyeom leaving her pregnant and she lose the baby. She is already six months and it's a little boy. They haven't thought of a name yet, as Momo pour the warm water in her mug with the tea ready. She sat down and slowly drink a bit.

Momo's eyes were heavy, but she knew if she closed her eyes, the nightmare will return. She hasn't spoke to Yugyeom about her nightmares, as he been busy with tour and comeback. She can't talk to her friends, because they will go and tell him, especially Sana. She just want sleep for once without any worry. Momo finished her tea, placed the mug in the sink, and walked back to their bedroom. She took her robe off and lay back in bed. She got comfortable, as she felt arms around her body. Yugyeom pressed a kiss on the side of her head and rest his hands on her bump. He snuggled closer to her, as Momo patted his hand with hers.

"Everything all right," he asked her, trying to get the sleep out of his voice. "You were gone for a bit and I missed your warmth." Momo had to let out a giggle, hearing her husband's whine voice. He is a bit younger but he loves to pull "I'm the baby" card.

"Just needed something to drink," she answered. "Go back to sleep. You have a meet and greet later." Yugyeom pulled Momo close and kissed her cheek.

"I love you, Princess."

"I love you too."
Yugyeom came home early from the meet and great. He got to bring a few things home, as he had gotten some onesies from the staff from their little man. He set a box down, as he heard screaming. "Momo!" He called out, running to the bedroom. He found Momo in bed, sleeping, but screaming. He sat on the bed and pulled Momo into his arms. "Princess wake up! You're having a nightmare." Momo finally snapped out of her nightmare and opened her eyes. She took some deep breaths and looked up at her husband. "Are you all right?" Momo moved from him and check her bump. She sighed in relief the baby is fine. "Momo?" She looked at him, as he was concern. "Princess you know you can talk to me about anything." Momo shook her head and hurry out of bed. She hurry to the bathroom, as Yugyeom went after her. She closed the door before he got to her and locked the door.

"Momo!" He called out to her, knocking on the door. "Princess?" He tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Momo!" He just heard her crying, as it was breaking his heart. He wants to help his wife, but she is shutting him out.

"Princess, please open the door," he begged her. "I can't help you if you are shutting me out."

"You aren't going to leave me, are you?" He was surprised at her question. He would never leave his wife and unborn child. One he loves them to the day he die and two, why.

"I'm not going to leave you. I'm done with everything for the day." Yugyeom waited, as Momo unlocked the door and opened it. He opened his arms and she walked in them. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed kisses on her head.
"I have been having nightmares about you leaving me," started Momo. They were sitting in the living room, as Yugyeom held her hand. "I don't know why I keep dreaming about it."

"Princess, I have no intention in ever leaving you. Look how long it took me to get you to be my girl," he said. It took him two years to finally get a date with her. They been together for four years and two years of marriage. "How long have you been having these nightmares?"

"Since I got pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant, but I'm scared. I'm scared to end up being a single mother if you did leave."

"You know damn well I'm excited to be a father. I just got some onesies for our child. The boys are coming next week to help me with the baby's room. I got you pregnant and I'm here with you to the end," Yugyeom said, moving her over to his lap. He rubbed her bump to make her feel better.

"I know I'm being silly, but I also have nightmares of losing the baby cause I'm not fit." Yugyeom kissed her cheek and wiped the tears away.

"Hey hey, I'm not fit to be a father right now. We will get through this. We will learn on the way. Our little man knows his parents love him. Believe me I can't wait to hold him and give him so many kisses." Momo sighed in relief and cuddled close to her husband. "But remember never be scared to talk to me. I want the best for my family." He made Momo looked at him. "I love you and our little Jonghyun."

"Jonghyun huh?" He smiled at her, as Momo lay a kiss on his lips. "I do love that name." The baby kicked her and they smiled. "Guess he loves it too."

"Then it's official." He rubbed the bump, as Jonghyun kicked his hand. "We can wait to meet you Kim Jonghyun." He looked at Momo and gave her a kiss. "I love you Princess, now lets get some dinner and cuddle to a movie. You should get a good night sleep after this." Momo nodded to him, as she kissed his cheek. At night, Momo did fall asleep with her husband's arms around him with no nightmares in her dreams. The only thing she was dreaming of her family all smiles.

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