Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

52 2 0


Dear Diary,

Okay, I'll admit, the first day of school wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I saw Bobbi and Janessa. I'm so lucky, they're both in my class! My teacher is Ms Mickson. She's about 30 years old and really nice. We are going to rotate classes to prepare us for High School. Ms Mickson is my French and Social Studies teacher, Mr Pinned is my Mathematics teacher, Señorita Mimosa is for Spanish, Mr Lento is English, Ms Doggone is music, and finally, Mr Hall is for gym.

I'm excited for this year. Today wasn't really a real school day. It started at 10 and went until 11. But later at 4:30, I went to my math class until 6.

Today was a short entry. More tomorrow!

Until tomorrow,


Diary of the One and Only Bryn MarnopolisWhere stories live. Discover now