Monday, November 24th, 2014

13 1 0

5:45 pm

Dear Diary,

Okay. I've been keeping something from you. For the past few weeks, I've been sorta-kinda-almost crushing on this guy. Only because he's sorta-kinda-almost crushing on me! His name in Will and Janessa was OBSESSED with him last year. And by obsessed, I don't mean gets-all-jittery-around-him obsessed. I mean he's-her-iPad-password-all-she-talks-about-buys stuff-to-match-his-stuff obsessed. But now she's over him and crushing on this eight grade boy, who, let's just say, should be expelled.

So this year, I've noticed some boy-flirting. He's friends with Bobbi and our group but never really noticed me last year. Not that I cared! So this year, for example, I was sitting in class with Bobbi, waiting for class to start, when he walks by, fist bumps Bobbi, and then tries to fist bump me. He caught me off guard so I just stared at his waiting hand. Finally I fist bump him...and feel like a total loser. He says hi to me in the halls and sits with me at lunch. I think I like him, but I think Janessa does too. I mean, I had a crush on Brandon last year, and even though I'm over him, I still get jitters when I'm near him. Crushes last, no matter how much you don't want them to.

What do you think?

Yours truly,

Diary of the One and Only Bryn MarnopolisWhere stories live. Discover now