Monday, December 1st, 2014

17 1 0

1:50 pm

Dear Diary,

25 days until Christmas! I'm so excited! But before I get into a very detailed description of our literal "Nightmare Before Christmas, I'm going to tell you about the Mo Bros Assembly. So you know how Meghan Trainer's All About That Bass is, like, everybody's favourite song? Well, the MPS Mo Bros sang All About That Face. It was soooo funny!

Now that I've told you about that, I will get into the Nightmare Before Christmas! Scary theme music. It all started on the morning of Sunday, December 22nd, 2013. The Marnopolis family awoke to a freezing house. That's when they realized the power was out. They decided that there was no way that they could sleep in the freezing house, so they spent the day flipping through the phonebook to find a hotel. Finally, they found one: the Hyatt. After the father, George, had turned off all the water, the family piled in to their Land Rover. But there was one problem: the Marnopolis's lived on a hill. A hill that had not been cleared. So it took the family ten minutes to even get off the driveway, the whole time eleven-year-old Bryn and eight-year-old Teddy bawling in the backseat. An hour later, the Marnopolis's arrived at the Hyatt...without Bryn's fish, Goldie. The Marnopolis's had left the fish back in her importable tank at home, against Bryn's wishes. That night Bryn cried herself to sleep. The next morning, the Marnopolis's ate at Tim Hortons and then drove back home to get Goldie. Luckily, Goldie was still alive. They put her in a tiny tank and smuggled her into the Hyatt. Still, Bryn was upset. The next day was Christmas Eve. And there was still no power. To cheer her up, George took her to see Les Miserables. The next morning, the Marnopolis's awoke to the persistent sound of George's cellphone. It was their neighbour, Mia McAero (Mother of Bryn's best friend, Mandy McAero). Mia said the words the Marnopolis's had been waiting for: "The power is back on!" The Marnopolis's immediately drive home...and were greeted by a freezing house. George had turned off the hot water that heated the house before they left for the Hyatt. And George didn't know how to turn it back on. They called their grandma to come sleep over lime she did every year...and to cheer up the kids, who were now roasting marshmallows with a floor heater. Finally, at 10 pm, the electrician came and fixed everything. The next morning, the children got their presents and everything went back to normal. The end.

Yours truly,

Diary of the One and Only Bryn MarnopolisWhere stories live. Discover now