Tuesday, November 17th, 2014

23 1 1

1:20 pm

Dear Diary,

I'm sitting in English class watching Bobbi and Janessa glare at each other. They just had an argument and aren't speaking. Here's how it all went down. We three were supposed to to a small in class assignment together. Here is what happened after.

BOBBI: You two didn't let me do anything.
BRYN: Sorry, your right. Next time we'll include you more.
JANESSA: You should have spoken up.
BOBBI: Well excuse me. You know what your problem is? You always refuse to believe you're wrong.
JANESSA: Geez, you get mad quickl-
BOBBI: Oh, whatever. Just shut the frick up.
BOBBI: I can't hear you!

You know what the bad thing was? Bobbi didn't really say frick. She said the other one...

I need to sort this out.

Yours truly,

Diary of the One and Only Bryn MarnopolisWhere stories live. Discover now