Friday, September 19th, 2014

53 1 0


Dear Diary,

Janessa invited me to be crayons with her and her twin sister, Vanessa, who goes by Van, or Vanna for Halloween. Janessa wants to be a blue one, Van, and I want to be a pink one. No surprise there considering I'm the biggest girly-girl Mckinley has ever seen. Cue sarcasm. We're gonna streak our hair with dye matching our crayon colours. I'm a little worried about that because the twins both have blonde hair that will be easy to colour, but my brown hair might be a little tricky. We're also gonna wear matching eyeshadow. Sparkly of course! I'm also working on letting mom let me wear pink false eyelashes. I doubt it.

My iPad (which is required for school) just "strummed" , signalling an email. I don't text. But my mom said I can text for my twelfth birthday on October 1st! I'm gonna go check my email. Back in a minute.

It was my Math Teacher, Mr Pinned. We have a Math Test on Monday and he wants to post my perfect homework on the school student website! That has never happened to me before! It only happens to smart people like Maree Sing. I need to rewrite my homework. My handwriting isn't exactly the neatest...

Okay, gotta go do my homework for the third time (1st time: Practice from Mom, 2nd time: actual homework, 3rd time: now.).

Until next time, (I'm getting bored of signing off with Until next time. There'll be a new one tomorrow (or the next time I write))


Diary of the One and Only Bryn MarnopolisWhere stories live. Discover now