Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

14 1 0

8:45 am

Dear Diary,

This weekend is going to be crazy. On Saturday at 1 pm, I'm going to watch Teddy play soccer. After that I'm going to Yia Yia's apartment to get ready for Angelina's and Christina's dance recital. After the recital, we're probably going to go out for dinner with the girls. Then we're going to back to the apartment and have a mega-sleepover with the girls! Sunday we're all going to go to church with the girls and then go see you-know-who at the cafe.

Hmmm. Now that I see it in writing, my weekend is not so crazy!

Yours truly,

Diary of the One and Only Bryn MarnopolisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant