Monday, October 13th, 2014

41 2 0


Dear Diary,

Happy Thanksgiving! I would go into one long spiel about the pilgrims and the Mayflower, but I'll spare you.

I'm sitting in my room listening to my ABBA record. "If you see the wonder of a fairy tale, you can the future even if you fail." Sorry, I couldn't resist. If your not familiar with ABBA, those are lyrics from "I Have a Dream". I might perform that song for my school talent show with Brandon, the boy from the Terry Fox Run "Incident", in the spring.

This morning, Mummy and Teddy and I decorated our house for Halloween. You see, we live on a hill with a about 10 other houses so we don't get many trick-or-treaters. More candy for us! But this year, I don't know who I'm trick-or-treating with. Me and Teddy usually go with Mandy and Anthony, but Mandy has a really strict mom who, since Mandy's 14 now, might not let her go out with us. And Anthony. Whistle, don't get me started, he started grade 8 this year and has been acting really moody. We actually might go with Angie and Chrissy. I think I already told you, but whatever.

As I said yesterday, I'm kinda, no majorly dreading going back to school. Don't take me wrong, it's not that I don't like school, I do, I do! I just can't stand Alex ;)!

Whatever, I'm not even going to waste energy thinking about that idio- sigh, I'm doing it again, aren't I? From what you've heard, you think I'm pretty, right? Ugh! I've hit the bottom. I'm asking my paper diary for beauty advice.

I'm just gonna end it now before I completely lose it.

Yours truly,


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