Saturday, October 25th, 2014

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Dear Diary,

The open house was AWESOME!!! This really stuck-up girl, Mara Lee, was there too and we had to do one of the tours together. It was a family consisting of two parents and a tiny two-year-old son, Cyrus. Immediately after I saw Cyrus, I bent down and gave him a high-five. Mara just stood there looking "professional". Whatever.

The U13 boys volleyball was playing their tournament in our gym so when I wasn't giving tours, I was a cheerleader. And let's just say, even if we didn't win, the boys played (and looked) very nice ;). A few of them winked at me and others sent me smiles. I just flashed my brightest smile and waved and whooped and cheered!

Oh, guess who was the other team's coach! My old basketball coach from grade five! The one who ruined basketball for me. I'll tell you the story: I joined the basketball team in grade four and enjoyed it sooooo much that I joined it again in grade five, with him as my coach. Okay, I admit, I wasn't the best on the squad by I always tried my best, until that day. The day that I think of whenever I pick up a basketball. The day the gnaws at me whenever I try to shoot a basket. That day that Coach Goldburn pointed at me and said, in front of all my friends "You are a disappointment!" Immediately I felt a knot in my throat and a puking feeling in my stomach. The other girls (who were real athletes) were used to that sort of language, but me on the other hand had just joined the team to have fun. I managed to hold out until the end of the practice but when Mummy picked me up and I got into the car, the real waterworks happened. I had never cried more. That is when Mummy got involved she walked with me and Teddy back into the gym and blasted the coach. She said to him, after he asked her to "identify herself", "I'm Doctor Marnopolis" I remember thinking to myself (while the tears were still pouring down my bright red cheeks) "Ohhh! She brought out the big guns. She used her title!" Mummy was a hardworking dentist up to my birth and Daddy's a Emergency Doctor. Bobbi, who wasn't my friend at the time, sat on the opposing bench and, as she later admitted, felt really bad for me. To prove that the coach was a wackadoodle, he made Teddy go sit on Bobbi's bench. We left the gym in a whirlwind of emotions. Me being humiliated and upset, Mummy being furious and pitiful to me, and Teddy, well Teddy was just confused. I quit the team until the tournament and skipped a Choir Concert to play for the coach who called me a disappointment.

There. That's another thing you know about me. Don't worry about me, though! I was fine, and honestly, I couldn't care less about what Coach Goldburn thinks of me.

Yours truly,

Bryn Marnopolis, Basketball Star!

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