Tuesday, Movember 4th, 2014

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11:30 am

Dear Diary,

Happy Movember! Notice I didn't say November. Movember is cancer awareness month at our school and all the male teachers grow moustaches. Our English teacher Mr Lento does something really creative. He gives us a sheet of paper with a blank face for every toonie we donate. We draw an interesting moustache on the sheet and at the end of the month, he chooses a design and shaves it into his full-grown beard. Isn't that cool? Our Music teacher Mr Doggone, Mr Lento, and the eighth grade French teacher Mr Hanna have formed a band called the MPS (McKinley Private School) Mo Bros. Mo as in moustache. They perform a song every Movember and for the annual talent show. Last Movember, they performed a parody of Blurred Lines, for the last talent show, they did "Let it Grow", a parody of Let it Go, and last week they did a scat song. It's REALLY funny!

This Saturday, Alex is coming over and we're going to get manicures at Aphrodite's Spa and Nails at a mall near our school. It'll be really fun.

The Halloween social at school wasn't that great, but trick-or-treating was AWESOME! Angie and Chrissy came with us. Angie was dressed as a unicorn and Chrissy was Wonder Woman. But she had her big, black coat on over it, so when people asked who she was, I said Diana Prince ;). About 15 minutes in, Chrissy got tired and made her dad Uncle Stevie go get the double stroller. Of course he went. 15 minutes later, Angie got tired and insisted that we turn back. Being the AMAZING cousin that I am, I turned back with her, Chrissy, their parents, and Daddy. Mummy and Teddy went on...and Mummy trick-or-treated for me!

Okay. I've been keeping a secret from you. I met this guy at church and it was literally love at first sight. I don't know his name and he doesn't know my name. When I first met him, we played LEGO together with the girls and Teddy. We hardly made eye contact because we were so shy. I had gone to chase Chrissy around that same day in the same room as the LEGOS and I hear him say "No, she doesn't!" Immediately red flags go off in my head. I know what Teddy "Whispered". He said "She has a crush on him!" Teddy Marnopolis is officially the WORST whisperer. I began to blush, but pretended that I didn't here that entire conversation.

This Sunday, he was in the same room as me and I was trying to teach Chrissy how to do and special ballet spin and Teddy and Angie and Teddy were whispering. I walked over to my Teddy and Angie and asked "What gives?" And then they ran away giggling.

Wow! That was a long entry!

Your truly,

Diary of the One and Only Bryn MarnopolisWhere stories live. Discover now