Wednesday, October 1st, 2014

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Dear Diary,

Today was the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!! It all started this morning at like, 7:20. My mom had already woken up and was downstairs when I woke up. I was sooooo excited, I woke up like, 10 minutes early. I didn't know what to do so I got out of bed and quietly made my way to my bookshelf. 10 minutes later, my mom came in with the video camera and found me sitting on my spare trundle bed, wide awake and reading F in Exams.

She and Teddy brought me downstairs where she showed me the decorated sunroom and gave me my present: A POLAROID CAMERA!!!!! But then she remembered something: my dad wanted to see me open it and he was coming downstairs right then! My mom had to make up an excuse. She said that I had charged and ripped off the wrapping paper right when I came down. Whatever!

My day didn't end there! Teddy (reluctantly) helped me bring the fruit Mummy brought for my class up to my 3rd floor classroom. Then I saw that Vanessa, Janessa, and this boy Steve, who I'm friends with, had decorated my locker!!! I got a lot of "Happy Birthday!" wishes during the day, but when I was at my locker at the end of the school day, I was feeling kinda down. I had been most excited about the school day and my decorated locker and now that it was done, I had a sinking feeling.

I had to cross from the Prep School to the Lower School for my singing lessons with Mrs Pall. I used to sing at the Royal Conservatory of Music, but this year my teacher's on maternity leave. School ends at 3:30, but my lesson doesn't stars until half past 4. I have to wait around in the atrium for half an hour, then spend the rest of the time waiting for Mrs Pall to teach a 2nd-grader piano until 4:30.

The hour-long lesson usually drags on forever, but today, the one day that don't want to go home and have a normal day, the lesson flies by!

My dad came and picked my up at half past five and drove me home in his red Mercedes convertible. And for my birthday, he let me listen to his ABBA album. If you haven't already put it together, I am a HUGE fan of Agnaetha, Bjorn, Benny, and Anni-Frid (ABBA acronyms).

When I got home, I said hi to Teddy and my mom and started to walk to the bathroom to wash up from school. That's when things got interesting. My mom's Mac Book Air, the screen up and running, was sitting on the kitchen island. Her email was open and an email from my 20 year old cousin, Lana, was displayed. It read "What time should I come?" and Mummy had replied "Everyones coming around 6:30-7:00." Whats going on? I thought to myself.

Then Mummy came over to me and told me that we were going to The Keg for dinner and to go get dressed. I thought to myself I don't even like steak! What is going on? But instead I just smiled and said ok. I went upstairs and put on the navy blue goddess-like dress and a sky blue wrap-around cardigan thats like 200 euro. I got them both in Greece this past summer. To casuallize the outfit, I stuck 2 white button earrings into my ears. For my hair, I tied it up with an elastic with false hair tied to it to make messy buns look fuller. After my bun looked amazingly messy, I also slipped on a braided false hair headband to pull unwanted hair out of my face.

I went downstairs and had put on a Wonder Woman episode when the doorbell rang. It was my grandma, my moms mom. Because we're Greek we call grandmas Yia Yia's (Ya-Ya) and grandpas Papou (pa-POO).I know its weird. Do you wanna know whats even weider? We call the Yia Yia that was at the door Yia Yia Glasses. Because she wears glasses.

So you'll never guess what she got me!!!! Go on, guess! You'll never get it! She got me a Record Player! A PINK Record Player!!!! Along with 3 records, Some Nights by FUN, Prism by Katy Perry, and drumroll please.............ABBA GOLD!!!!!!! Today's presents were TOTALLY retro, a record player, and polaroid camera (I actually got a 1957 Typewriter for my 6th Grade Grad present. No joke.)

After I thanked her for the fantabulous gift, I went back to my Wonder Woman. Then the doorbell rang. It was my Papou. What was he doing here? He had given me my $400.00 in cash present the last time he saw me.

After I said hi, I went back to the TV. Then the doorbell rang...again. It was my Uncle Petey and his mom Yia Yia Ketti.

The handed me a present which I put in the Living Room. A second after putting the TV back on, the doorbell rang...again...again.

It was my Aunt or Thea (Thee-ah) Jackie and her fourteen year old autistic son, Andrew with another gift, which I put with the other present.

Then I went back to Wonder Woman. And the doorbell rang. This time, it was my FAVOURITE cousins, 6 year old Angelina and 4 year old Christina were waiting oh so cutely for me to open the door. Their parents Uncle Steve and Thea Stacey stood behind them...carrying a pink-wrapped gift.

Today I had my first surprise party. My mom made me a cake completely smothered in sprinkles.

The gifts were everything from fur vests to hotdog earrings and marker-written cards from Angie and Chrissy.

Today was a day I will never forget.

Yours Truly (Surprise!),

Brynnalyse Olympia (I'd forgot to tell you about my middle name!) Marnopolis, 12 year old.

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