08. Two Chest Hairs and Three Pound Weights

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Ryan walked over to Alec and I slowly, Wyatt and the older man following behind. Alec inched behind me slightly.

"As if I would ever be able to protect you." I muttered to him under my breath.

"Hey. You have a 100% chance of surviving." He whispered back. "I, on the other hand, have about a -96% chance."

"Not necessarily." I kept my eyes locked with Ryan's, muttering through the side of my mouth.

"I'm pretty sure you can survive a reprimanding." He hissed back.

Soon Ryan stood before us. He towered over me, as usual, but just a few inches over Alec. Wyatt snickered at the look on Alec's face. It was mixture between terror and shock. He was now almost completely behind me.

Ryan wasn't looking at him, however. He was looking at me. He tilted his head to the side slightly. "Care to explain Skylar?" He started calmly. "I've heard you arrived here naked in, his t-shirt, while neglecting to mind link me to let me know." His eyes darted to Alec at the mention of the t-shirt, before back to me.

"We had a little situation." I replied nervously, playing with the hem of my new shirt.

"So I've also heard." He replied, taking a step forward. Alec squeaked, backing up a good two steps, and looking at the ground, his neck bared in submission. "What is it exactly? Something about sparks? Like that of a mate?"

I could here not only the hidden fury, but also the hint of jealously in his voice, but he kept himself composed for which I was thoroughly impressed. "Kind of." I said, I kept eye contact as I knew it was necessary for this to go at least in a semi good direction. "At first anyway. They're not there anymore." I answered truthfully.

"Not there anymore?" He asked, now sounding genuinely confused.

"Nope. Nada. Gone." I waved my hands around emphasizing my point. "Zip. No more sparks."

"Do you know what caused the sparks in the first place?" Ryan stepped closer, hovering more over me than acknowledging Alec.

"No. Their pack witch didn't either." I answered. "Where's Jake?"

"Lish has him." He waved his hand. "Don't change the subject. So the sparks aren't there anymore and nobody knows why they were there in the first place. Now all we should figure out is why you completely cut me off after you shifted." His eyes hardened as he looked me over. "For the first time, I may add."

I rolled my eyes at that one. "Well excuse me for wanting to just run along freely as a wolf for the first time in my life." I retorted, crossing my arms. "I understand you were probably worried but you always are and I'm always fine."

"Might I remind you that your statement is invalid." His voice turned hard, a cold fury entering his eyes. "You were kidnapped three years ago. And when I found you, you were half dead. So no, you're not always fine."

I glared at him. He always pulled that card on me. "But I'm fine now! We don't know what the hell this spark thing means and nothing else is happening so can't we just go home and figure this out?" I asked. I reached out and placed a hand on his arm. His body reflexively relaxed at my touch and he saw what I was doing.

He pulled away. "I know what you're doing, Skylar. And it won't work. I'm still mad at you."

"Fine." I said, huffing and dropping my arms. "But there's still no need to stay here. Unless we have pack business to worry about, I'm sure the Alpha will let us go."

"We will leave," Ryan conceded, though he didn't look any happier. "But not until I exchange some words with Alec here."

"Ryan..." I began, reaching out to him. "Dont, please."

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