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Denis POV

So long story short, there's no way Y/N will be able to go back to school, YET! And I still don't know if I should tell her parents what happened. Maybe...? But as her guardian, I shall homeschool her. Base on what her parents have told me, she's pretty good at all her subjects but she struggles in math and social studies. I'm pretty decent at math myself so I'll have to guide her through the best I can. I hope I can help her.


No more school. No more bullies. No more stress. Full fun freedom until my parents get back. This time with Denis and the rest of the Pals has been one emotional rollercoaster. I'm overwhelmed and happy at the same time.

"Alright Y/N don't get mad but I'm homeschooling you." Said Denis.

Great! He just ruined my entire plan. There's no way I'm getting homeschooled.

"Really Denis, really?" I glare at him.

"Yes I have to so you can get in a good school."

He does have a point. I don't want to end up without getting an education.

"Fine! Not like I had a choice anyway."

"Great! Now I've heard you've been struggling in math and history lately but it's ok."

"Well duh it's mental abuse to humans and history is just BORING!"

"Calm down now Y/N it's not that hard if you just pay attention and try."

"Easy for someone to say considering they didn't even complete school."

"College just prepares you to get a job which I've already had."



Denis POV

"Ok Y/N let's try again. 12 times 6 is..."

"18...NO WAIT 60! I mean...stupid!" Y/N repeatedly facepalms herself.

"No no no don't say that."

"But it's true." I see tears forming from her eyes.

"Well...can stupid people make it to seventh grade without failing other grades before?" I pull her into a hug.

"No..." She sighed.


(1) I know this is short and I'm sorry

(2) I know this is long overdue and I'm sorry

Honestly when I look back on the previous chapters, I just cringe. But if u guys really like this story I'll try to continue it. Happy? Ok bye bye.

(DISCONTINUED) My Guardian(s) The Pals x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now