My little bean

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After that strong talk between Mrs.Carly and Mr.Johns things got complicated. Let me explain...Why was Mrs.Carly in fear ? maybe cause she felt like she was locked in silence  and didn't have an escape...
Mr.Johns didn't appreciate the fact that Mrs.Carly was getting suspicious with her own husband. But don't fear of a man who was a down fall and we both know who it is...

Mr.Johns can be cruel and hard to understand, a man of serious business let's just say he wasn't always in the family game he mostly was in the making of new things and drinking rum everyday, he didn't care less of Mrs.Carly but he did loved to death his two daughters. That's why he didn't wanna ruined the image of a good father to them and trust me he wasn't gonna let no one get in the middle of that fact.

Mrs.Carly was tired of the way he treated her like if she was nothing... and trust me she was more than a wife, a good mother who was trying her best to protect her daughters from the dark side of there father.
Mrs.Carly said "Emily, we need to have a talk my little bean."
Emily said "Mom I think I'm in an age we're I'm done getting called "little bean" but what's the issue mother"
Mrs.Carly said " my love you will always be my little bean no matter the age of yours"

•Mrs.Carly said that with a little spark on her face and a smile up to her cheeks

Emily said  "okay mother I respect your nick name for me, plus it cute anyways"
•Both of them looked at each other and gave a little laugh.

Mrs.Carly said " oh my darling you are my special little bean, now listen, what's up with the question to you're father about the clocks and the abandoned buildings? Or are you sure this is about you're project ? Or do you have something you wanna tell me...

Emily said "Mother I need to tell you something about a place called "Carter Clocks"
I saw..."

That's when Mrs.Carly knew that it was the time to tell her about the secret,  as she interrupted her daughter saying " Well my little been I've haven't been that honest with you and ..."

"My darling" said Mr.Johns to Mrs.Carly interrupting her, "can we speak for a second"

•Mrs.Carly was afraid he heard her talking about the secret with Emily... but as she got up she winked at her and made a look that Emily understood from the beginning...

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