Dont wake up the beast

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After the deep conversation between Mrs.Carly and Emily things got more clear. Mrs.Carly wanted to make sure that Mr.Johns didn't come back... I know it sounds hard to believe but she didn't want him dead...she wanted him in prisons. Why ? cause no matter the things he did, he was still the father of Emily and Stephenie.

Let me catch you up, after what Mrs.Carly and Emily found out it was obvious what they needed to do...Find proof and show it to the police but they didn't know what they were getting into.

• Yes, it's true Mr.Johns was making a drug business...he was one of does mans that though selling drugs was legal, but he didn't only do that he did worst things...but they didn't know yet, they were getting into the hole story of Mr.Johns past.

Mrs.Carly already knew he had bough a building but she didn't know witch one and what he was gonna do with it, so she went to see it, there it was on a old street that almost know one walked looked suspicious but since Mr.Johns wasn't in town she walked in to give an eye on it...

*coughs "excuse me lady who are u, I suppose you are here to do what ?" said the guard that was in charge of watching the place

Mrs.Carly said " well hello I'm wife of Mr.Johns, let me just tell you he wouldn't be happy if something was wrong here or you want me to call him so he can come and fix it him self"

"Of curse madam no problem no need to wake up the beast" said the guard
•But how can it be, a guard working for Mrs.Johns what happens if the police works for him to said Mrs.Carly in her mind, this is gonna get more interesting than I though...

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