People watching

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After the conversation that Mrs.Carly had with Mr.Johns she had a plan to leave the city with her two daughters...but she still didn't know where to go, she felt like someone was watching all her moves but don't worry she had a plan for it. After research and talking to friends she heard about this little town faraway from New Orleans and that mostly no one new abut it.

Thats it, thats were we are going Mrs.Carly said.

She walked up stairs yelling ''Emily'' ''Stephenie''

''What mother'' said both of them

As Mrs.Carly replied saying'' sweet hearts pack you're bags we are going on a Road Trip''

Emily new exactly what was going on so she kept playing the roll that they were going on a'' Road Trip'' but she was happy her mom was taking care of things but at the same time she was sad to leave her dad behind but trust me this was the beginning of the ''Road Trip''sooner or later Mrs.Carly had to confront Mr.Johns.

Lets get back to Mrs.Carlys plan... she knew they were watching her, so she had planned to go the mall and switch families, let me explain, she had talked to her friend and she asked her to do her a favor, since her friend had two daughters she tough what about if we dressed the same and than go in different directions so the people watching could get confused.

So that was what Mrs.Carly did, lets just say she though she got away with it. Mrs.Carly was getting in the bus to leave to the airport while her friend with her two daughters were in the mall and she knew people were watching her and she was right. But you think they didn't notice her plan or did you know her friend was working for Mr.Johns all this time.

So did Mr.Johns knew what was happening was this all a plan so he can just get rid of her or was it a ''business''plan all along...

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