One more week

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It was 8:00 pm and it was dark and cold, but still Mrs.Carly kept looking around, but all she saw was boxes with names on them like if there were gonna get send to people... but just think harder get in Mr.Johns head, pretend to be a criminal.  As Mrs.Carly walked to leave she stopped and though what if he was putting something inside of the clocks...and sending it to people. 

So Mrs.Carly took a box that didn't have a name yet, no one could've said anything since she had them blackmailed, lets just say she may or may not had a little convo with the guard saying if he ever decide to tell Mr.Johns she was present there was gonna be serious problems...but don't worry she paid him quite. 

 It was time to open the box, there it was the clock wrapped with bubble wrap the kind that every little kid likes to play with, but she was scared to find out the truth so she took a deep breath and took the back of the clock off... there it was smushed in a corner, a clear bag with marijuana inside, she was in shock  she didn't know how to respond so she felt to the ground with the bag in her hand knowing everything was gonna change. She got up slowly, took a picture with her old camera and put everything back where it belong.

As she was leaving she said to the guard with dirty look on him  ''between us, no one should know of my visit here, and if some one does the one paying the consequences is you'' 

Trust me that guard had respect for her after all, she did have a little evil inside of her. Mrs.Carly didn't know what to do, her mid was drowning with thought and conclusions... like what happened if Mr.Johns owns the police and thats how he kept quite, or what did he meant when he said '' I'll be watching form others peoples eyes'' what if he was watching her and all of that was a set up...

Mrs.Carly was scared for her self an for her daughters, so thats when she want it to make sure Mr.Johns didn't suspect anything and she gave a call to the 'beast''

''Hello' said Mrs.Carly   

''What do you want, and why am i getting this call' said Mr.Johns 

''Just want it to give you an update of the girls, there doing find and miss you'' said Mrs.Carly 

''Well still in the process of fixing up a little problem, so i will be away for one more week'' said Mr.Johns 

'' A week.. okay i send my good luck to you and hope you find a solution for that problem'' said Mr.Carly in a sarcastic way

''I don't need luck i already have it,  but send my hello to my daughters'' said Mr.Johns 

As he said that he hanged up on Mrs.Carly but don't worry that was all she need, one week so she can make her own move...

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