Under Ground

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See you may ask you're self was Emily actually in big trouble well...if you said no you are right let me explained what actually happened.
Mrs.Carly and Emily knew he was working for Mr.Johns all along but see Alex didn't  know, the only thing Mrs.Carly didn't know was his name and need it to send a message to Mr.Johns and she did send one after what Emily said to Alex, after that he knew they knew all about his mission but why would they played along? He asked him self

See Mrs.Carly knew he had eyes every where but she knew he wouldn't hurt her since she was with her daughters so she did had a plan a different one that Emily didn't know about...but she will find out, trust me she is a smart child after all.
Mrs.Carly was not always the hero on this situation she though she was or she wanted to be...Mr.Johns had connections but he wasn't the only one that had, Mrs.Carly as well had connections and guess where UNDER GROUND, and she was on top of it all this time she was just waiting to send a message to Mr.Johns and make it clear she knew all along and Emily was a really good actor after all she was the big star of the plan...

Under the hotel was this tunnel that lead to a  under Casino but not a normal one a special one the kind were no one is allowed to be...only if you mean something to that person or if you have business with him and trust me Mrs.Carly did had a connection with Mr.Will Stone, not a business connection an emotional one...they indeed had a pass, a strong one so that's why Mr.Will Stone didn't hesitate to help her...

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