Chapter 4

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(Springtrap POV)

The five of us drove in Death City with no problems, other than Soul and Maka questioning me every ten seconds, and the fact that Maka couldn't move so we put her in a coffin on the back of Justin's bike. I also found out why Maka wasn't able to move when I had the opportunity to question the rest of them. The majority of her body, apart from her head, had been covered in spider silk by Arachne. When we entered the city, we got off the bikes we had been on and dropped them off a the entrance. As we got ready to walk to the DWMA, Justin and Soul started arguing about who would carry Maka back. Crona and I just stared while Maka tried to interrupt them. My sister started to get uncomfortable, so I just picked Maka up and started to walk to the school, with Crona following. Justin and Soul  saw this and thought it was a good idea to yell at me.


Me: "You two can't decide between yourselves, so I'm being the middle ground. Now, shut up, suck my dick, and get moving before I set this beautiful lady down and launch you two to the DWMA by sending my foot up your asses."

The boys paled, my sister started giggling, and Maka was a blushing mess. Crona and I continued as the boys tried to catch up.

Me: "I'm sorry if I made you two ladies uncomfortable."

Crona: "You're fine by my end, I thought it was funny!"

Me: "Maka?"

Maka: "I thought it was funny too, but you don't need to say things like that."

Me: "Is it illegal to speak my mind? I can't say that a girl before me is beautiful? That's bull."

Maka: *Blushes more* "It's embarrassing, ok. That's all."

Me: "Because it's true?"

Maka: *Face is a tomato*

Me: "Hehe. Come on, you know what I've said is true. Now tell me about yourself." 

She starts talking about her past, her mother, father and all the things she has done for the DWMA as we walked. I found it interesting about her parents, she thinks she's had it bad. Try mine girl, at least you didn't die because of them. As we entered the school, I took Maka and Soul to the nurse's office, Crona went back to her room, and Justin went to Death's office. As Soul, Maka, and I went inside the office, I set her on a bed as another woman in a nurses outfit walked in.

 As Soul, Maka, and I went inside the office, I set her on a bed as another woman in a nurses outfit walked in

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Nurse: "Who are you and what did you do to Maka?"

Maka: "His name is Springtrap, and he hasn't done anything to me. A witch did this to me Ms. Nygus."

Nygus: "Soul?"

Soul: "He's friendly. He wants to see Death."

Nygus: "Why do you need to see Death?"

Me: "I want to make a deal with him."

Maka: "That's cryptic."

Soul: "No kidding. You make sound like you're making a deal with the Devil."

Me: "Well in a way, I am. I heading out, I'll see you guys later.

I walked out and headed to Death's office with the help of other staff and students. As entering the 'Death room' I saw both Death and the man described as Maka's father.

 As entering the 'Death room' I saw both Death and the man described as Maka's father

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Death: "Hello! Hi there! How's it going!"

I turn to the pedo.

Me: "Is he always like this?"

Pedo: "Sadly, yes. So, who are you?"

Me: "My name is Springtrap, and I'm here to make a deal."

Death: "What kind of deal?"

Me: "I want to be an agent of death for you, not a student or staff, an agent. I go on missions that you assign to me, whether I work with other members or by myself. But I also have some conditions."

Death: "What are these conditions?"

Me: "I have two friends outside of this city, I want them to be allowed to live in the city and conduct their business without any problems.

Pedo: "Why would they have problems?"

Me: "Because one is a witch and she has trained me to use my magic."

Pedo: "WHAT?"

Death: "I thought only witches could use magic?"

Me: "The rule of magic is that the first born child of a magic user inherits the abilities of their parent. Nine times out of ten, the magic would make the child a girl no matter what, unless the parent will it to not mess with the genes or some fault in said magic. You will the fact that me and my friend are magic users and give us protection from students and staff."

Death: "Understood."

Me: "Any mission Crona goes on, I go too. I have a personal connection to her and I won't elaborate...yet."

Death: "Ok."

Me: "Finally, no matter the circumstances, I am allow to kill my father, he did horrible things to me and I want revenge."

Death: "I personally disagree with the last one, but fine. I can sense the power and I want you in our fight against the kishin."

I put my hand out and Death shakes it.

Death: "Welcome to the DWMA, Springtrap."

I walk out of the room, now has an official agent of death.

*Sorry it took me a while, I was debating on how to write the chapter,* 

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