Chapter 9

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(Springtrap POV)

I'm in Marie's classroom, watching the students work. The only reason I'm in here is because Crona's here. She attends some classes, almost all with Maka, she does well. I notice that today she seems a bit distracted, she's thinking about something, I know that look all to well.

Me: "Crona!"

She snaps her attention to me, as well as the rest of the class and Marie. I don't mind the attention to me all to me, Maka is the only one that does worry me. She probably thinks that I'm going to get my sister in trouble.

Me: "Crona, could I see you after class? You aren't in trouble, I'd just like to talk."

Crona: "O-ok, yes s-sir."

Me: "Don't call me sir, I'm not a teacher call me by my name, Springtrap."

Crona: "Ok, I understand."

After the class was over, the students left one by one the last one was Maka as she was telling Crona something, Maka skips past me. I walk up to Crona with Marie right behind me.

Me: "Marie, could you leave too? I'd like this to be a private conversation."

Marie: "Ok, just please don't take too long."

Me: "I won't I promise."

Marie then walks out with a face full of worry, I believe its for Crona. I turn to my little sister, She holds her supplies in crossed arms, she is very nervous.

Me: "You don't need to be worried, I won't talk about things that will make you feel uncomfortable, ok?"

Crona: "O-ok. What did y-you want to t-talk about?"

Me: "I noticed that you very distracted during the lesson. Would you like to talk about it?"

Crona: "I-it's just that, I don't understand why. Why is everyone so nice to me? Why do they go out of their way to help me? Why?"

Me: *Sigh* "Crona, I can't say for certain about some people, but I know for myself and Maka, we help you because we care about you. I know a bit about your past and I can relate in some ways."

Crona: "I doubt you know that much."

Me: "I know your mother was a witch, same as my mother. You were used as a tool by your mother, I was used as an experiment for my father. There is a reason I wear this suit."

Crona: "...It was more than being used as a tool, I was put in isolation when I failed in tests and Ragnarok would beat me for it. She was so cold I couldn't even call her mother, I had to call her by lady Medusa for the majority of my life."

That sent me over the edge. It was bad enough that she was used as a tool by mother, but that shit? That was too much. I can feel the anger swelling within me, I punch the nearby wall making a decent size hole.

 I can feel the anger swelling within me, I punch the nearby wall making a decent size hole

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The Bot with a Soul (Springtrap X Soul Eater Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now