The Finale

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(Soul POV)

It's been like two weeks since the deaths of Asura and Maka. The funeral was a few days ago, and Springtrap didn't even come! Ever since she died, he has just stayed in the workshop! Mary and Anthony have always defended him and kept him in there! It pisses me off! Next time I see him, I'll throttle him! I walk up the DWMA steps when I see a large crowd. Then Black Star runs up to me. Without saying a word, he grabs my wrist and drags me up and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

(??? POV) 

I could feel the eyes and souls of all the people watching. Another strike from my partner hits my arm. She's getting better, but I can tell she's still not used to her new body.

Me: "Keep working, you still aren't ready."

Partner: "You've had me train to adjust for two weeks!How much longer!?"

Me: "Well, we still need your weapon."

She makes another move, I catch it and flip over her, kicking her in the back. She gets up slowly, making me thing of something. 

Me: "Hey, there's one good this about this."

Partner: "What's that?"

Me: "You don't have to worry about people looking up your skirt anymore."

Her eyes go black as her face plates move a bit.

Me: "......Shit."

I get launched across the courtyard into a pillar by my partner with a book in her hand, my one about robotics I might add. I hit the pillar with such force the upper portion cracks as I'm embedded into the bottom portion. I start laughing as she walks toward me.

Me:  "I'm going to feel bad for your weapon when you hit him! Hahahahahahaha!"

 Partner: "You shouldn't have said that!"

Me: "That was funny! You have no sense of humor."

Partner: *Looks up and down me.* "You still need repairs!"

Me: "Mary's being a prick about it! 'I can't repair it, I need to make a new one.' Take it up with her!"

She pulls me out and I brush myself off, then walk to the crowd. I grab Soul by his ear and drag him out. 

Me: "Now we can continue with testing."

Partner: "Did you have to drag him out?"

Me: "It seemed like the most fun." 

Soul struggled in the hold I had on him.

Soul: "Let me go!" 

I rolled my eyes.

Me: "Come on! I know project sonic is working perfectly, I know what my dear partner and I look like."

She gave me a strange look, one of bewilderment.  I rolled my eyes again and pull out my disk that made me look like my human-self, though I knew I didn't look like my old-self. She 'oh's' as I toss Soul to her. I walk back into the crowd as I hear a shit-ton of gasps. I guessed it was Maka's disk as mine was fully charged. I knew I should have charged hers. Damnit. I grab my blade, my black blood baby, and return with Soul giving me a dirty look. 

Soul: "I hate you, now I know why you left."

Me: "Did you think I was going to abandon my beloved, especially when I made a promise?"

He shakes his head and transforms into scythe form and lands in her hands. I smirked and pointed my black sword to them. 

Me: "Ready for round two?~" 

The two readied themselves and made the first strike. I blocked it, but over the past few months and the new body, they've gotten stronger. Their next swing I side flip over and kick her head. She stumbled to the side and recovered quickly. Soon enough, Black Star, Kid and their weapons join the fight. I smirk evilly. 

Me: "Now things are interesting. Finally! A fight worth my time!"

Kid started firing rapidly as Black Star throws Tsubaki in her ninja star mode thing, I never learned the name. I dodge the shots and jump over Tsubaki to land right Maka, my original training partner if it wasn't obvious enough, her body hits the ground hard. It was enough force to cause the ground to crack. I hear more metal smacking against each other. I see Crona clashing blades with Black Star. Maka pulls on my chest and head-butts me, causing me to step off her and stagger back. I clutch my sword and make a quick run up and aim my blade at Maka's shoulder. It came down and a loud crash was made when she blocked the move, she's getting better with her new speed. I spin my blade in the reverse grip, making a few slashes at her. One hit the handle as the other hit her. It strike made a large black mark across her metal white skin. Fuck me, more damage for Anthony to repair. We push each other back and immediately run at each other, they make an side slice as I slid under her legs. She won't be happy with that, I flip up and hit her in the back with my feet. She was launched forward and landed face first on the ground. Kid fired more shots at me, some hitting their mark and some hit my blade. Next thing I knew, two massive white hands block us. I sheath my blade on my black.

Me: "Hello Death."

I turned my head to him, seeing the Pedo with him. Crona stood next to me as Maka, Black Star, Kid, Soul, Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty across us. They and the crowd greeted him.

Death: "Springtrap, you and the new animatronic come with me.

Stine: "Lord Death, you realize-"

Death: "I know, I wish to speak with them."

I nod and the two of us follow Death to his room. Death immediately slaps our heads.

Death: "Do you realize how panic and sadden we were!?"

Me: "I have a big guess."

Death slaps us again.

Death: "Maka, return to your studies, I must speak with Springtrap."

Maka nods and leaves, as I turn to him.

Me: "Alright. You got me."

Death does on a tirade on me, chewing my ass out entirely, and not in the fun way. Once he was done he allowed me to leave and rejoin the others.

The end

*I do apologise for how long this took and I do have a few reasons.

One, I had writers block in a way

Two, I made a second account for other reasons.

Three, I've rethought some of my stories. I can't do my Halo X Star Wars Rebels. So, I'm suggesting another one along with the other.

So, new vote.

Assassin's Creed X Saint's Row


Halo X Overwatch

I'll give you a few weeks to decide.

The Bot with a Soul (Springtrap X Soul Eater Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now