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"YEET!" Jungkook yelled, launching a pillow at one of his hyungs. Yoongi and Namjoon's faces scrunched in unison as they watched Taehyung catch the fluffy object with ease from across the room.

"How old are you, again?" Yoongi scoffed as he sipped on his drink. The four men were hanging out in their living room, leaving their local club unattended by an official owner for once.

"Why do we date these two, again?" Namjoon added with a shake of his head and a pat on Yoongi's thigh.

"You both love us, shut up," Taehyung chuckled as he threw the pillow back to Jungkook, who caught it just as easily as the former.

"I'm bored," Yoongi said, staring at Namjoon's hand which ended up resting on his thigh after the little pat that was given. The nice hand spread warmth through his thin body and he suppressed a smile.

"Here," Jungkook threw the pillow at Yoongi, who caught it gracefully thanks to years of basketball in high school.

"This doesn't fix me being bored," Yoongi rolled his eyes and hugged the pillow.

"Well, what should we do then?" Jungkook glared at Yoongi."

"Guys, we own a damn club. Why don't we just go there? Or even scope out competition?" Taehyung suggested.

"Eh, I've gone to the other nearest clubs, ours is better," Yoongi dismissed the latter idea.

"And Jin isn't even working tonight," Namjoon tried to dismiss the former idea.

"I can see if Hoseok wants to come?" Jungkook smiled and pulled his phone out of his back pocket. The three other guys in the room instantly looked at him and nodded. This was a good chance for them to all spend time with Hoseok.

So the men ended up at their club. The neon sign stating Azalea in a slightly cursive font that connected the letters altogether as well as with a neon pink flower that was right after it. Next door was a connected restaurant with a dark aesthetic named Petals. Namjoon's cousin owned it, as well as many other chains of restaurants.

"Is Sanghyeok still in America?" Yoongi asked Namjoon, seeing the restaurant reminding him of his boyfriend's cousin.

"Yeah, he's in love with his Californian Petals. He said they'll be opening in a week or so."

"I love all the Petals," Jungkook said.

"You've only been to this one, dork," Namjoon scoffed.

"And I love it!"

Yoongi smiled but rolled his eyes at the maknae. Taehyung looked very content in between Namjoon and Jungkook as the four of them waited for Hoseok to show up. They casually stood by the big buff man who guarded the club on certain nights, watching him check people out before they entered.

"There he is," Jungkook happily pointed out a lanky, pretty Hoseok making his way toward them. He had leather pants on that were making Taehyung and Namjoon drool.

As the five men entered, they didn't see the two next in line.

"Kim Seokjin, I work here. I can't remember your name, though. And I'm off tonight," a slightly nervous Seokjin explained to the scary looking man in front of him and Jimin. Jimin shook his head at his friend.

"Yeah, well, I remember you," the burly Korean said. "The name's Jung."

"First or last?" Jimin asked.

"That's for me to know and you to not. Go on in, boys." Jimin scrunched his nose at the man as he and his friend entered the club. Jung only looked maybe ten years older than them and called them "boys"? Hmph!

"Do you think we'll run into them?" Jimin asked, looking around. He saw the five familiar men enter, but it was too late to shout at them by the time he realized who they were. And he did not want all the extra attention it would have brought him. Alright, maybe just the second reason, if one could get Jimin to admit it.

"Uhh.. I don't know," Seokjin answered, also scoping out the area. He secretly hoped they would not run into them simply because he did not want to see Namjoon. He had yet to inform Jimin about several make out sessions with his own boss, and still didn't know why he was holding it back. Jimin, however, very much wanted to find the other men. He saw Jungkook, who he felt he was starting to develop a crush on, and also Yoongi.. who he knew he had a crush on, despite not actually talking to the man that much.

Seokjin and Jimin decided to go dance, Taehyung and Yoongi went off into an employee-only room while hardcore making out, and Jungkook, Hoseok, and Namjoon managed to snag some empty seats at the bar.

"So.. Taehyung and Yoongi looked like they were, uh, having fun," Hoseok commented, waiting for a reaction. All of the people in their house had.. benefits with each other? Hoseok was intrigued, and although he hated to admit it to himself.. he wanted a part of it. There are times he craves someone else's touch, yet there's never anyone to satisfy his needs—both naughty and nice.

"Hah, yeah.. told you.. not exclusive," Jungkook fake chuckled and was never happier to see his cocktail get set in front of him, happily taking the distraction.

"Is there.." Hoseok hesitated. He wanted to be straight forward but was scared of the rejection. "Uhm.. is there.. room for less exclusivity?"

Namjoon and Jungkook both looked at Hoseok. They were in shock. Never had they had someone ask to join them. No one had the chance, really. None of them really advertise having multiple partners.

"Do you know what you're asking?" Namjoon questioned, taking a sip of his drink and taking charge of the situation. Jungkook knew he was now just a spectator. Namjoon and Hoseok made eye contact before Hoseok's eyes flicked over to the bar.

"I just.. what are you guys? Are you all friends with benefits? I'm confused, but I know something is going on," Hoseok said, his voice involuntarily quiet.

"Hyung, we're all dating," Jungkook said in a small voice. He felt like he should be the one to tell his friend, so he squeaked it out before Namjoon could answer.

"Like, all dating each other? You, Namjoon, Yoongi? And Taehyung?"

Namjoon nodded in response. The couple watched him; his face simply looking partially surprised. "Okay." He stated.

"Okay?" Jungkook copied.


"What do you mean 'yes'?"

"Yes, now I know what I'm asking."

"You- You wanna date us?"

"Yes, Jungkookie. I wanna date you. Namjoon. Yoongi. Taehyung. All of you. Is that okay? I've never been in a poly relationship, but.. I can feel a connection with each of you. Is it always like this?"

Namjoon chuckled. "I can't speak for the others or anyone else in a large relationship, but I felt connected too. Not right away, but after hanging out with them as friends, I couldn't deny what I was feeling for each of them. And I don't regret giving in." He gave a sweet smile to Jungkook and the younger's eyes shined back, a small smile on his lips.

Written August 3, 2019
I'd like to point out that I myself have never been in a bar/club and am going off of things I've read and watched with a touch of my imagination involved.

Published August 21, 2019
Fun fact: I'm also working on a hybrid book, but it only has about two chapters written and is on an even slower track than this book is. Any vocal readers interested in a future hybrid book? 🤔😊
Also, some of my classes have already began, and more are starting tomorrow, so this book will be eveeeennn slower update-wise. I'm sorry! One day I do indeed hope to finish this book.

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