Chapter 4: System

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Ray Levine, Savior's best friend and the Party's Archer. She the second daughter of the head of the Levine family, a family known for their sharpshooters and famous purple hair ever since the Church was formed. In this world, your family is identified by your hair color and the shade of that color determines your rank in that family. The darker ones hair color is, the higher ranked they are. Because she is the second daughter of the head of the Levine family, her hair is dark purple.


Spotting Ray underneath the rubble horrified me. I brush most of the rubble aside revealing Ray's body up to her torso. Placing my pointer and middle finger around her neck to check her pulse, I sighed in relief.

Thank the Heavens. She's still alive.

Suddenly, Ray's eyes shot open. Her forehead bleeding and her vision blurry. Making out who I was, she coughed. A cloud of dust came out of her mouth from being buried under the rubble and ashes.

"Andrew?" She spoke weakly.

"Ray, please refrain from speaking," I said hastily whipping out my staff, "I'm going to heal you right now."

Coughing out a mouthful of blood, Ray's usually cheerful face turned to one of anguish and disparity. While I was trembling with fear. There were still some civilians who were trying to run, but, it was futile. Some buried under the rubble half alive. I could not save all of them...I was just a weak healer at the time.

"Savior," she began to sniffle, "she tried...she tried but..."


"The demon's wyvern got her in one of its claws." She spoke trying to hold up her limp hand.

"You mean the red one in the center of the horde?" I asked pointing to the sky as I cast a healing spell on her.

A soft white glow emitted from my staff which I hold towards Ray. This was a basis healing spell meant to only heal flesh wounds, not recover body parts. The most I could do was stop Ray's bleeding then she would need to recover on her own for the rest of the healing process.

"Yes...Savior thought she could take on the whole wyvern horde on her own until..." she sniffled some more while tugging the sleeve of my windbreaker. Staining them with blood and dirt.

"I know...I know." I said in my shaky voice.

"Not even the gods can save her's over Andrew. The Church has sent the Cardinal but not even he is powerful enough to stop this horde all at once." She wailed.

Ray was right. The Cardinal was a being more powerful than Savior but only until Savior has unlocked her true power. Unfortunately, even with the Cardinal, there is still only a slim chance that he will be able to drive the horde away. Suddenly, Ray became delusional. Stetching her hands to the sky she laughs hysterically.

"I see the Heavens!" She yells, "they have come to whisk my soul away from the land of the living! This is...the end for me. Oh, how I've only lived for seventeen years. I'm not ready! I'm not ready!"

Eventually, Ray knocked herself out but she was still alive. I could not take Ray because she was too weak so I prayed that the Church finds and recovers her body. Thus, I continued to run. I knew I was probably going to die so what did I have to lose? Nothing. I would rather die saving Savior instead of doing nothing for my own selfish survival. Suddenly a voice rang in my ears.

"Conditions to Activate has been fulfilled." Whispered a monotone voice.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"I am the Combat AI, Iris. You have been selected as the owner of the Hero Game. Do you accept?" the voice continued.

"Where is this voice coming from?" I ask turning my head left and right.

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