Chapter 14: Hatsu's New Skill

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Leaving the hospital, I cross the street to the Adventurers Guild on the other side. It was a tall, all glass building shaped as a triangle to suit the weird pentagonal intersection. From the revolving doors, Adventurers with their shiny armor and equipment came and out. Sitting outside the building, was a small outdoor cafe where residents and Adventurers were sipping their coffees and teas from ceramic cups sitting on top white saucers. Umbrellas, providing shade from the midday sun, gave the cafe a more residential feel rather than a stressed out, bustling city feel and the aroma of coffee helped to enhance that feeling.

Hatsu, who had been sleeping on my shoulder, was awoken by the smell of coffee. Curious of this new scent he, began sniffing around. While he was trying to figure out what this new scent was, I pushed the revolving glass door of the Adventurers Guild. The first thing that greeted me was a spacious lounge decorated with a combination of one, two, and three-person couches. Lining against the windows, were bar seats where one could catch a view of the main intersection and the honking of vehicles. On the other side of the floor was a circular reception counter run by a beastman and an elf. In the center of the lounge was a holographic billboard projecting the latest quest.

Quest are issued by the Adventurers Guild but are written by ordinary citizens who are willing to pay Adventurers to do or obtain something for them. Before a quest is issued, the requester has to submit their rewards to the Guild which the Guild will hand out once the request is completed by the Adventurers.

Walking over to the billboard, I scroll through the floating blue list of quest for quests that matched the [Hundred Quests] list. The rule for Adventurers with quests is an Adventurer cannot take more than three quests per day regardless of rank. Thus ensuring a fair distribution of quest per Adventurer. In my case, it was different. Since some of the quests on the quest list correspond to the quest on the [Hundred Quest] list, if I complete a quest, not only would I receive the rewards from the requester but I would receive the rewards from the System as well. This was a cheat! Feeling excited, I continued to scan the quests list.

After obtaining the system, Hatsu gained a new skill.

[Hatsu's Skill: Herb Finder]

[Description: The user can find any herb if the user has seen it or smelled it]

Since Hatsu was born in the forest, his familiarity with the forest has helped me find herbs quickly. With [Herb Finder] in his skill set, finding herbs would be as easy as breathing for Hatsu. Realizing this, I found three quests which matched the [Hundred Quest].

[Quest Name: Blue River Grass]

[Description: Gather a basket of blue river grass corresponding to the image below.]

[Time Limit: 3 days]

[Quest Rewards: 700 kalas, 1x Level, 2 Small Mana Crystals]

[Quest Name: Bayberries]

[Description: Gather 7 kilograms of bayberries from the outskirts of Shorelock forest corresponding to the image below.]

[Time Limit: 4 days]

[Quest Rewards: 800 kalas, 1x Level, Skill: [Eye of Flaws]]

[Quest Name: Starlight Stalk]

[Description: Gather three Starlight Stalks corresponding to the image below.]

[Time Limit: 2 days]

[Quest Rewards: 500 kalas, 1x Level, Weapon: [Moonlight Dagger]]

Considering that the quests required me to only collect herbs, the requesters offered quite a generous amount of time plus the rewards themselves were pretty good. Additionally, all three of these herbs are relatively easy to find in any forest with the hardest one to find being Starlight Stalk. On my own, I could find these in a few hours but with Hatsu, it would take half the time. I selected all three quest and with a press of the confirm, three notifications were sent to my phone with all the quest information.

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