Chapter 18: Rank Up

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The next few days went by in a flash. After defeating the goblins, the Ray and the others impression of me improved greatly. Yesterday, the rest were discharged from the hospital but more energetic than before the incident. It has only been less than a week since Greenfield was destroyed by wyverns and everyone was trying their best by moving one. For some, it was difficult but for the optimistic ones, it was quite easy but buried in their hearts, is the memories of Greenfield. Other than that, I've been working to refine my spearmanship skills by taking on higher quests and completing the [Hundred Quests] list. So far, I've completed twenty quests: mostly gathering and hunting low ranking monsters. Nothing as dangerous as an Orc. Additionally, the Adventurers Guild contacted me, the night before, telling me that I was eligible to rank up. I was elated. They discussed with me the time I wanted to have the assessment, so I told them as soon as possible. As a result, they told me to come at ten in the morning. Since I had just completed my latest set of three quests, I was practically free and I agreed immediately.

The next morning, I woke up at eight. My mother was already fixing breakfast in the kitchen humming a local hymn while flipping the buttermilk pancakes with her spatula. Sitting down at the table she greets me with a smile.

"Good morning." She says.

"Morning," I respond in kind seating myself down at the table as I let the aroma of pancakes fill my body.

Hatsu, jumping on my lap, props his tiny furball head on top of the table, sticking his tiny pink tongue out. Mom brings out a towering plate of pancakes along with the usual sunny side up eggs and chorizo sausage. I immediately attack the stack of pancakes while Hatsu points to the plate of sausages with his paw.

"Arf! Arf!" He barks.

Patting Hatsu, I grab him two fatty sausages and place it on a western saucer*.

*(A/N: In terms of our world, when the characters refer to the west, they refer to Eastern Asia and east is Europe. North is the Middle East and south is India/Africa. I'll let you guys figure out which region the Central Continent is based on).

Salivating, Hatsu leaps off my lap, following the plate of sausages until I place it gently on the ground. With his mouth open, Hatsu begins chomping on the sausages happily. Turning back to my own breakfast, I pour myself a cup of hot water letting the heat warm me up.

Suddenly, Ethan barges into the dining area with full armor with golden engravings, quite flashy. A sword in a red sheath was at his side while the bulky red armor enhanced his body making his head seem not proportionate to the rest of it. A helmet with a white mane was placed in his right arm while crimson cape flowed from his back.

"Good morning." He greeted.

"Good morning," I muttered with a mouthful of pancake.

He drags out a chair from the table and plops himself down resting his shiny boots on the thin rim of the table. Leaning over, he pours himself a cup of hot water.

"So," he initiates the conversation, "now that I'm off suspension, I can finally go back and hunt!"

"Good for you," I spoke indifferently munching on my pancakes, "just don't do anything stupid."

"You're not mother or father!" He retorted.

"Oh," I lifted an eyebrow and wagged a finger, "I may not be but they always find out. There's no use hiding the fact that you try to slay high ranking monsters. That's not good."

Glaring while pointing his fork fiercely at me he cocks a grin, "Psh, Lil'bro, I'm much stronger than you! I'm a Swordsman that can take down an orc while you're a Healer that is only at Green Rank."

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