Chapter 15: Pork Cutlet Sandwiches

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What was this [Basic Aura] skill? The [Basic Aura] Skill, according to Iris, allowed me to form a weapon intent thus intimidating enemies with just my weapon alone. Additionally, it also enhances the weapon's power and speed.


Arriving back at Shorelock, I return back to the Adventurers Guild and submit my quest in for completion. At the reception desk, the beastman receptionist furiously types on her keyboard.

"Andrew Halycon." She read.

"I'm here to submit my quest for completion."

"Please take out the requested items for verification." She gestures her hand.

Opening my storage space, I take out two crates and a potato sack. Opening the crates, the receptionist puts on rubber gloves then weighs and counts the items as requested. Once she finished, she rushes back to her computer and sends the rewards to my phone. At the same time, the System sends its rewards to me.

[Quest Completed: Blue River Grass]

[Rewards: 700 kalas, 1x Level, 2 Small Mana Crystals]

[Quest Completed: Bayberries]

[Rewards: 800 kalas, 1x Level, Skill: [Eye of Flaws]]

[Quest Completed: Starlight Stalk]

[Rewards: 500 kalas, 1x Level, Weapon: [Moonlight Dagger]]

[All Stats increased by 3]

I take a glance at the notifications on my phone to verify I received the rewards. In addition of the two thousand kalas, I received from the Guild, I received two thousand more bringing the total to four thousand kalas! That was how much I made in a month and I made that effortlessly, with Hatsu's assistance, in a day!

"Mr. Halycon," the receptionist called, "you have brought additionally goods that were not requested by the requester. Would you like to sell them at the Guild Shop?"

Without hesitation, I nodded.


"Please wait one moment as we calculate the total." The receptionist says tapping away at the keys on her keyboard.

A few moments later, the receptionist looks up from her screen with a tired look on her face.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Nothing," she sighs, "your total for the additional goods is 150000 kalas."

Suddenly my brain just froze on the spot while Hatsu's jaw dropped to the ground. I could not process this number immediately. An average commoner household of four makes about 100000 kalas per year, but I just made that in a day. With the additional 4000 kalas from earlier, I've made 154000 kalas in a day, the amount it would take me a little over three years of porter labor to make. No wonder why people become Adventurers, the rewards were quite rich. Unfortunately, we spend that money like water on potions, repairments, resources, etc. Regardless, I've never seen so much money in my life.

"I'll send the rewards through the Adventurers Guild app, please verify that the rewards got there safely." The receptionist resumes with an indifferent tone.

Opening my phone, once again, the digits in my account went up an astounding 150000.

"Thank you. The rewards arrived safely." I said closing my phone.

"Have a nice evening." The receptionist bowed.

Exiting the building, I felt satisfied. I completed three quests from the [Hundred Quests] list, I got some new skills, and made a fortune while at it. Looking at Hatsu drooling on my shoulder, I understood what he wanted.

"Alright," I scoffed, "we're going to get that pork cutlet sandwich I promised."

"Arf!" He wagged his tail.

When I was still living in Shorelock, there was this one outdoor cafe near the Adventurers Guild that opened till midnight, Little Root. They sold the best sandwiches in the city and it was always busy regardless of what time you went there. They are known for their pork cutlet sandwiches which is what I plan to buy for us today. The cost of each sandwich was fifty kalas which is quite expensive but for the cost, it's completely worth it.

It was six, I walked into the park where Little Root was located. It was still the same. The small outdoor trailer kitchen concocting delicious food could be seen from a distance. The tables provided by the park gave it a calming ambiance and the lampost surrounding the area contributed to that ambiance. Groups of citizens and Adventurers sat at the tables, drinking a refreshing bubble drink called boba while munching on their sandwiches. 

I walk up to the cash register which stood outside of the trailer kitchen. An employee with a scaly tail and black cap rush over to the register. He was a Dracon, a descendant of the dragon race, from the Northern Continent.   

"Hello, welcome to Little Root. What can I get for you?" He said in a Northern Continent accent with a businesslike smile. 

I hold up two fingers. 

"I would like to order two pork cutlet sandwiches and an earl grey milk tea."

"For here or to go?"

"Here." I reply while Hatsu drools on my shoulder.  

"Your total is 105 kalas." 

I take out my phone and scan the barcode on the register until the screen shows a green checkmark. 

"Payment confirmed." It said in a robotic voice. 

"Here's your number,"  he handed me a small plate with a number, "a server will come over to your table when the food is ready." 

Taking the number, I head over to a small two-person table in the corner of the park. Hatsu leaps off my shoulder and sits on top of it patiently. In the meantime, I decided to check out the new skills I got from today's trip. Opening the transparent screen in the corner of my eye, I open the Skills tab. 

[Skill: Basic Eye of Flaws [Lv.1]] 

[Description: By focusing one's mana to the eyes, the user will be able to find the flaws of an opponent or an area within a range of ten meters.] 

Not bad, when this levels up, it would become a godly skill assassin skill. Even if an opponent can conceal their flaws, they cannot necessarily hide all of them. Even the best have their flaws. 

Stuck in my thoughts, a waiter places down a cup along with a straw next to it as well as two plates of cutlet sandwiches. 

"Sir here's your milk tea and cutlet sandwiches." The waiter spoke.

"Thank you," I respond. 

As the waiter leaves, Hatsu stares at his sandwich, drool spills out of his mouth like a waterfall. Hatsu sniffs it to confirm there is no poison then he takes a nibble out of one sandwich. His face immediately lights up with joy. 

"You like it?" I laugh watching the little cub eat as I take a bit out of my own sandwich. 

"Arf!" He barks with a crumb and sauce covered face of bliss. 

The taste was truly nostalgic, the crispiness of the juice cutlet with the lettuce gives the sandwich a refreshing taste. Top it off with the thick brioche bun that is slathered with herb butter making ever bite worth a million dreams. The sundried tomatoes and special sauce make the crispy brioche bun melt into your mouth like ice. On the side, were colorful potato chips of every color one could think of seasoned slightly with the salt from Shorelock's beaches. It was an experience that could never be forgotten.  

Both Hatsu and I wolfed down the sandwich for what seemed like seconds but those 'seconds' were full of satisfaction, flavor, and bliss. Finishing my iced tea, I fish out a ten kala bill from my pocket and leave it on the table. Hatsu leaps onto my shoulder with a fat belly and we leave the park with satisfied stomachs. 


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