Arc 1: Facts

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Hi everyone, it's me Digi and I'm alive, maybe. Okay, so Arc 1 of Hero Game has finished but I need to clarify a couple of things before you continue reading.

The World: So the story is set in a modern world where both Science and Magic exists. This world is made up of five major continents: North, South, East, West, and Central.

The North Continent is ruled by dragons and is a highly dangerous area which is why only High Ranking Adventurers go there.

The South Continent was ruled by elves until the demons from the Central Continent chased them out two centuries ago.

The West Continent is ruled by the beastmen, half human half animals, and dwarves they are currently allied with the humans in order to fight off demonic forces from the Central Continent.

The East Continent is where most of Hero Game is set. It is the home of humans but many other races live and coexist with them. It is basically the ideal place to live especially the capital, Shorelock.

The Central Continent is inhabited by the currently expanding demon empire. It was originally claimed to be the continent of Gods until Hell banished the gods out of the continent and back to the Heavens. The gateway to Heaven is being guarded by the Demons in the Central Continent but demons cannot pass through.

Hero Game: Transcend the Realms (SciFic Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now