Chapter 11: Food Stall

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Just as I remembered, the little food stall at the edge of the block was still there. Steam wafted from the little stall. Quite a wonderful, nostalgic smell of pork buns coming from the stall's huge bamboo steamer. Manning the stall, was a pale plump middle age man with rabbit ears and a skinnier female with similar complexion and rabbit ears. He was the owner of the stall and it looks as if he never aged a day since ten years ago. The girl was his daughter, I went to school with her when I lived in Shorelock, she was still as cheery as always when she worked with her father. They were from the Western Continent, the home of beastmen, a race of half human half beast with the desire to share their culture with the world so they moved to Shorelock. I always loved listening to their stories as a kid who never left the walls of civilization, always wondering what the outside was like.

Walking over to the stall, Hatsu opened his eyes from the smell of pork, his little mouth drooling. Ever since he had that pork cutlet sandwich, pork has become his favorite food. The stall only had one customer, an old homeless man who has always been there. I called him Homeless Joe and he was always drunk and reeked heavily of whiskey. His story was that he was a Chruch Official until he was fired for some reason. My memory was a bit hazy so I could not exactly remember. His hair has whitened more and his beard has grown to the point where he could braid it since a decade ago but I was really surprised at how he has stayed alive this long.

Pulling out a steel stool, I plopped down. Rishi followed in kind.

"Welcome! You, two youngsters, look new to the city!" Said the jolly old man holding tongs in his hand while his white rabbit ears twitched.

"Old man Sam!" I exclaimed. The girl my age swiftly turned her head and her ruby eyes began to water. 

"Huh, who are you, youngster? You look new to the city yet familiar. Only those who've been here multiple times would know that name." He said with astonishment.

"Andrew!" The rabbit girl interrupted clasping her hands together as tears trailed from her eyes.

"Yeah," I smiled, "it's been awhile, Eliza. Still working with your father I see." 

"Eh, this good looking youngster is young Andrew who left Shorelock ten years ago?" He cried dropping his tongs on his apron.

"Say what?" Homeless Joe shot up.

"Yo, how have you been Homeless Joe?" I waved laughing.

"You stinky brat, learn to respect your elders!" He burst out with anger swinging his half-filled whiskey bottle. 

"You've grown into a fine young man!" Old man Sam smiled reaching over the stall's wooden counter patting me on the shoulder.

"It's been ten years," I trailed, "how has business been for you?"

"Same as always." Eliza replied.

She's grown. She grew out her hair down to her shoulders and she looked well wearing the stall's apron which had a pork bun on the middle. She wore a summer blouse, which did not fit with the stall's environment and beige khakis which complemented her black flats well. I have to admit, she's a lot prettier.

I take a look at Rishi to see how he is doing in this environment. He was dazed out. I followed his line of sight and it pointed to Eliza. Suddenly, a mischevious smile crawled onto my face.

I'll tease him later. I thought.

"That's wonderful," I exclaimed.

"Hahaha," Old man Sam gave a jolly laugh, "since youngster Andrew has come back, this meal is on me. You don't have to pay nor does your friend..."

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