Chapter 20: The Debut of Ren

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After scrolling through the [Hundred Quests] list last night, I found that I could do quest outside of the list and that would account towards the [Hundred Quests] completion. In other words, the quests on the list are just recommendations but they are the easiest and fastest ones to complete at my level. Then I realized, I could complete several sequences quest, such as the ones towards the end of the [Hundred Quests] list, and have half of the [Hundred Quests] completed in a week! So far, I've only completed one-tenth of the list but that wasn't fast enough but with sequence quests, I could complete the list in one thrid the time I planned. With that in mind, I rushed out of the condo at nine, leaving Hatsu at home, and took a twenty-minute transit ride to the Stadium.

Disembarking off the train, I follow some groups of well-dressed Adventurers up a flight of stairs. Taking a right, light filters from the exit. More groups of Adventurers and spectators merge together and jostle me around. After suffocating in the crowd, I emerge, successfully, unscathed from the exit. I've arrived. Before my eyes were multiple metal colosseum with Jumbotrons attached around their perimeters. On the screens of the Jumbotrons, flashed scenes of Adventurers wiping out their opponents with their fist or weapons while special effects made those victories seem more glorious. Meanwhile, other Jumbotrons flashed rankings of fighters in each bracket with each fighter using an alias. In the Stadium, one could be whoever they wanted without others knowing who they were. The Stadium respects the privacy of their fighters and won't disclose a fighters information even if bribed. Many fighters came from the pugilistic world and were rarely known to much of the common world. As such, many would come to the Stadium to build their reputation while others would come for generous rewards. From participating in a match alone, one could earn a quick two hundred kalas even if they lost but the winners could gain weapons, resources, even sponsors! However, I had no interest in any of that. The [Hundred Quests] list was my top priority and I will complete it by all means.

Fighting my way through the crowd, I reach the entrance of the main colosseum, a building with seven levels. Inside was more spacious than I thought. Spectators were lined up with their tickets while fighters showed their IDs as guards waved them into a waiting room. Stairs spiraled within the colosseum marble interior to different areas making me feel nauseous. Behind the gates, flight platforms, platforms that levitate using mana stones, for announcers were launched every minute. To the left, dressing rooms were available and benches lined the walls of the dressing rooms with plants separating them. Looking around inconspicuously, I duck into an isolated corner of the stadium underneath a flight of stairs. Opening the Hero Game System, I equip the [Assassin's Clothing]. Suddenly, a dim light engulfed my body and in the blink of an eye, my body was clad in black. Coming out of my corner, I blend in with the crowd and walked over to a nearby mirror. Taking a quick glance, not only had my attire changed, my hair became a fluffy snow white and my eyes became a soft gold from their usual green. Additionally, a small black mole appeared under my right eye and the bottom half of my face was covered by a mask giving me a mysterious vibe. I've become a completely different person! And so, I've decided to give this new identity a name, Ren.

Since I was going under the guise of an assassin, I might as well have the demeanor of one. Although the clothes gave off that vibe, I wanted to enhance it. As such, I equipped the [Moonlight Dagger] and the [Wolfang Dagger] and placed their sheaths on the back of my belt. Both were similar in appearances but they had different properties. The [Moonlight Dagger] was twenty percent sharper and lighter than normal daggers around the same rank. On the other hand, the [Wolfang Dagger] had a forty percent chance to inflict [Bleed] on the opponent. Today, these were my weapons of choice and they were ready to draw first blood.

Walking up to the registration counter, a receptionist hands me a form which I fill out with my fake name and class. Once registered, she whips out a camera and takes a picture. Without saying anything, she hands me my ID card and gestures to a waiting room. Understanding her, I immediately head over to the waiting room. Showing the guard stationed there my ID card, he waves me through. Nodding to him in thanks, I rush inside. The waiting room was not as lavish as the lobby, it was small and there were a few wooden benches and about a hundred fighters, most of them, buff or clad with heavy armor and weapons. Looking at the newcomer who just entered, eyes were narrowed at me with curiosity. Feeling somewhat intimidated, I wandered into the far corner, leaned against the wall, and crossed my arms in a lazy fashion.

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