Chapter 21: Reaper

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[Congrats! By killing [Broadsword Joe] and [Brassknuckles Elven] the user has gained Skills [Heavy Slash] and [Quick Punch][Lv.Max]]

[All Stats increase by 60]

Due to the sudden Stat increase, my body felt lighter than before and a surge of energy flowed through my mana meridians. It felt refreshing, almost exhilarating, despite the fact that I just killed two fighters. The adrenaline levels in my body rose at an astonishing rate and I felt as though I could win this battle royal with ease. My dagger was ready at my side, the blade gleaming in the sunlight, and my gold eyes pierced through the souls of everyone in the Arena. There was still silence as the fighters, spectators, and announcer stared at me agasp. Suddenly, one fighter begins to speak, his voice trembling.

"He killed Brassknuckles Elven!"

Chaos erupted in the Arena.

"Kill him!" A bossy looking fighter pointed at me in equal fear.

Hesitating for a moment, the fighters look at each other than look at me. After witnessing the scene before them, they've become rash and so, the all charged at me. Good. LET THE FUN BEGIN!

"Let's have some fun!" I smiled evilly through my mask while readying both of my daggers.

"Let's kill that bastard!" A fighter leading the others points his saber at me before charging with the group.

"I'd like to see you try!" I smirk breaking through the group swiftly with [Wind Step].

"What! He disappeared!" The saber guy exclaimed.

Within a breath, I appeared behind him with a dagger to his neck. Cleaving at his neck, I swiftly sever his head from his body, crimson blood splattering the arena as the life from his eyes faded away instantly. With no time to waste, I spun on my heel and cast [Wind Step]. In the spot where I stood moments ago, a crater the size of an exercise ball appeared on the ground beneath. A freckled magician stood behind the crater clutching his wooden wand.

"Dammit!" He shouted, "I missed."

Once again, I casted [Wind Step] and cleaved his head off with a dagger that was the fourth person I've killed today. From the looks of it, it seems as though the fighters won't stop targeting me until I'm dead.

Waving a finger I taunted emotionlessly, "Anyone else?"

As per usual, these fighters only have brawn and no brain so they have become rash in their decisions and decided to attack me all at once. From the spectator's perspective it seems as though I had no way of escaping because of the overwhelming number of fighters covering all directions from which I could possibly escape from. However, who says I'm cornered, if there is no way out, you make a way out. Clutching both of my daggers in my hands, I imbued mana into both and tossed them into the air. Using [Mana Control] I control the daggers flying in midair and pierce twenty or so fighters above me in the heart. The daggers, moving like bullets pierce their fleshy bodies with ease not even a drop of blood staining their sharp blades.

[Notice: User has killed over twenty fighters and will receive some rewards!]

[From killing over twenty fighters user has gained Skills [Assassin Footwork] and [Stealth][Lv.Max]]

[All Stats increase by 60]

[Congrats! The White Wolf Cub Hatsu has reached Lv.50! Please converse with Hatsu about potential evolution]

[You have received a book on [Kung Fu]!]

Ignoring the notifications, I continued to massacre the onslaught of fighters. Heads flying, silent screaming, two daggers taking a life away with every slash. Every kill was perfect and stunning almost like watching Da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa from start to finish except in crimson. There were almost no words to describe the scene happening on this day nor the fighter. It stunned everyone: the spectators, the announcers, the citizens, even the Pope! Today, this battle royale would go down in Stadium history! A sole Assassin with white hair and gold eyes took the lives of many fighters as if the reaper himself descended upon this world in material form. This Assassin, by the name of "Ren" would become a key figure in the Eastern Continent, no doubt about that. From the beginning, this battle's winner had been determined and that person who ended would become a legend. That person was me. Standing triumphantly atop a mountain of decapitated corpses with two dangerously sharp daggers, one in each hand, ready to take the lives of everyone in the colosseum at any moment. His golden eyes piercing into the hearts and souls in everyone in his sight. It was over, the battle royale was over.

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