Chapter 6

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You know those times when you wake up in the middle of the night for no reason, and no matter how much you try, you can't go back to sleep? That's what happening to me right now. Except, I didn't wake up for no reason.

As I was sleeping, a furry hand started holding me close to a furry body. I immediately realized that was Puro. I was a blushing mess. It didn't help that my fur was white, so my blush was more visible. Thankfully though, it was still night so it was dark, and Puro was still asleep.

I was still mad at K for setting this up. I still don't know how he knew that I had a crush- let me scratch that out- that I love Puro. I mean, was I that obvious that even he realized? I guess the answer is yes...

As I laid awake, I thought that this was a good time to think of painful ways to kill someone. As I was thinking, I heard something beside me. I got curious, so I turned around, and saw that it was Puro. He was making cute whimpers in his sleep!

"Awww" I said almost too loudly, but I quickly caught myself.

He continued to make those small, cute whimpers in his sleep. But slowly, those whimpers came to an end. But I continued to look at him, my cheeks burning red.

'Kiss him' a voice told me inside my head. 'What?! No! He will hate me!' I said back in my head. 'You know you want to' It said back. 'But he's sleeping!' I tried to reason, but the voice didn't falter. 'This is the perfect oppurtunity to kiss him. He's sleeping, he'll not know that you are kissing him. Go ahead. This might be your only chance' It kept encouraging me to kiss him. I sighed. The voice won against me. It had a good reason.

I slowly leaned my face towards Puro. 'This is so wrong...' I thought inside my head. Slowly, I pushed my lips softly against Puro's. Well, I think they are his lips. It only lasted a moment though, as I was too embarrassed doing this, so I quickly pulled back. Maybe a bit too quickly.

My cheeks were still burning red when I did that. I was staring at him, when something happened. All of a sudden, he moved towards me. Before I could react, I felt something soft press against my lips, making me jolt. Then, he moved back to his original position. I was shocked by what just happened.

I got up, panting at staring at him.

"Puro.... Are you awake?" I slowly asked him. I saw Puro's eyes open.

"Yup!" He replied happily.

"S-so... you saw me kissing you?" I asked him, shaking.

"Yes!" Puro replied back."Puro knows that you love Puro, so Puro waited for you to kiss me so that I could kiss you back!" He said smiling.

"What?!" I shouted. "You knew that I was in love with you?!"

"Yes!" He said.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"K told me!" He answered.

"Okay, that idiot is gonna get it..." I said, my anger boiling. But suddenly, I was pulled back down and pulled into a wall of fur.

"And Puro loves you too!" He said. I was surprised by his answer, but I was relieved. I hugged him back as well.

We fell asleep, cuddling each other to oblivion. Now, if only I could get the right tools to murder K...


[A/N: Sorry for the short chapter!]

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