Ain't Nothing I Would Rather Do

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"The front seat, for me? And here I thought I was getting punished!"

The shove wasn't painful, but Jason did lose his balance, and tumbled into the Batmobile. Before he could even straighten up, the door was slammed shut. A quick tug confirmed his suspicions, child locks.

Daddy's not playing around... Jason discerned, though that didn't stop him from dramatically pulling at the handle about ten more times.

Tim was stiff as a board as he was being loaded into the middle seat in between the driver and shotgun. Generally, the chair went unused.  Occasionally their father had attempted to make Damian sit there, however, not even he would submit to the humiliation. Granted, the little demon would reconsider if it was Dick's turn to ride upfront.

He must REALLY want to keep an eye on us! It was one thing to keep Jason in his sights, but it wasn't like Tim was going to try and slip out the window or something.  "Whatever."  There's far more to worry about anyway.  Slumping in his seat, Jason was determined to make the most of what certainly was going to be his last ride for some time.  However, even as a few precious moments slipped by, the vehicle still hadn't started.  Lazily rolling his head towards the driver, he was given a neutral but undoubtedly stern look.

"Seat belt."

Slowly shifting back, Jason realized he had forgotten to buckle up.  Though, instead of reaching for the belt, Jason merely put his feet up on the dash and rested his arms behind his head.  Oh yeah, he smirked, it's going to be one of those nights! 

"Red Hood, I'm not going to ask you again.  Put your seat belt on."

Instead of acting compliant, like literally anyone else given orders by the freaking Batman, Jason chose to instead let a knowing smile creep across his face. 

"That wasn't really asking, now was it?"

Usually, minor amounts of sass were seen as annoying but harmless, usually.  Instead, Jason found himself strapped to the chair by multiple belts forming an X shape across his body and over his legs.  Thankfully his reflexes had not failed him as his legs were being restrained.  He just barely got his feet on the floor before they were fastened against the seat, keeping his knees from being bent like cheap snap bracelets.  A furious glare was sent his father's way, only managing to catch a gloved hand hovering over a particular button. His arms were immobile, unable to slip through the bindings or uncross to show off his favorite gesture.  So, he reluctantly settled for just sticking his tongue out and pouting.

The engine roared as they sped down the streets of Gotham, traffic laws be damned! The car was quiet, at least for a few minutes.

"Psst!" Jason practically spat out in Tim's direction. "Mind turning on the radio? I'd do it, but I'm a little tied up at the moment."


"I think I left my iPod in here last week, we could just hit shuffle.  I bet you guys will just love AC/DC!" 

Jason immediately started whistling the tune of "Highway to Hell", one of his many talents.  Had his arms been free he would have been banging his hands on the door, a regular occurrence whenever he was allowed to pick the music for the night's ride.  Unfortunately, no one else was in a musical mood.  Letting the sound drop in disappointment, Jason went back to sulking.  However, he was far from finished.  Tapping his one free finger against the leather seat a couple of times, Jason smirked. 

"So...can I drive?"

Still no reaction.  His entire family were being buzzkills tonight!  No matter, tenacity was Jason's middle name.  Well, actually it was Peter, but that didn't make a difference.  Jason was still the kind of kid who would continue to poke the bear even after it had eaten his arm.  I still have the other one!

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