my coming out story

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I decided that since its pride month, Imma tell y'all my coming out story

I don't remember exactly how I came out to my friend but I do remember how I came out to my parents

So my mom is a pagan (a type of Christianity) and that made me kinda nervous,  because I didn't know how she would react. 

So I had a friend over (borindy) and we where just talking and a girl came up.  I won't name her so let's just call her.....  Llama.

So llama and I had been friends for a while but she was moving but I had big feelings for her.  This is the first girl I had ever really liked that I actually knew.

And so I told my mom that I had feelings for this girl and she said "so you like girls?" and I also liked guys and now looking back on this story I realized that I was a fucking idiot on liking her but that's a story for another day.

So we talked for a little bit and that's before I really understood what pansexual was and I thought I may be bi.

Now I realize that I don't give to shits about someone's gender, if their a cool person and I really like them that's all that matters.

Now my coming out story to my dad is a bit different.

I was in my first same sex relationship (which fell apart real quick ) with a girl named.....  Hmmmmm....  Let's say her name is narwhal.  Narwhal and I had been dating for about a week before my parents found out.  Of course my mom was supportive but I don't think my dad liked it.  He kept on giving me shit for it,  which hurt a lot.  But a few weeks later (after narwhal and I broke up) he apologized for his bullshit  and said he supported me.


I don't think he does but I guess my mom talked his shit out of him for that most part

Welp,  I guess that's it.

Don't change ur self for ur parents, you'll regret it.


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