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So...  I started working out..

Now this isn't because I'm over weight or anything, I just don't like how my body looks.  And because I have band camp in 2 weeks and my body is not ready for it AT ALL, because I totally haven't been eating cheese at 3 am while binge watching Shane Dawson..  Yea not at all.

Anyway I just have a lot of body issues and I thought starting to work out may help me get rid of them..  Some what.

But I did the work out today,  it's an 11 mintue work out and OH MY FUCKING GOD my body is so dead.  Literally dead. And I have to do this same work out for 35 DAYS,  but I'm going to (hopefully) stick through it because I hate myself/body and I want to change that..  If that's even possible

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