Duck gay pride

16 2 6

So I got tagged by CORALLLreef so here we go

1 I'm a Leo 2 I'm a teenager 3 I like bead necklaces 4 I have a dragon necklace that I always wear5 my hair is naturally extremely curly but I straighten it6 I love supernatural7 my favorite band is My Chemical Romance 8 my middle name starts with...

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1 I'm a Leo
2 I'm a teenager
3 I like bead necklaces
4 I have a dragon necklace that I always wear
5 my hair is naturally extremely curly but I straighten it
6 I love supernatural
7 my favorite band is My Chemical Romance
8 my middle name starts with a R
9 I have a huge starwars mug
10 my eyes are light green
11 I have read the entire Harry Potter series in less than a week
12 I hate wearing earrings
13 my birthday is in a month

So I don't know 15 people on here so I'll tag who I know

So yea, I got tagged again but I will do that one later

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