I've been tagged

13 1 4

I got tagged by fangirl_potato_trash so I'm do the tag I guess

I got tagged by fangirl_potato_trash so I'm do the tag I guess

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1. My names Kylie or RandonGaynes which ever you prefer

2 I'm a leo

3 CORALLLreef I have known her since I think 4th or 5th grade and she is my best freaking friend

4 I don't know

5 so fucking single lmao

6 Uhhhhh I would have to say the Conjuring or IT

7 around 5'6 Or 5'7

8 Oml I have so many demolition lovers - mcr
Thnks fr th mmrs - fob
Chlorine - tøp
Thankyou for the venom-mcr
The Ballad of the Mona Lisa -p!atd
And so on

9 uh, my family, my friends,  music

10 g notes,  March 22nd, running out of black sharpie/eye liner

11 Mcr, food,  friends

12 probably tacos

13 Gerard Way,  Frank Iero,  Brendon Urie,  must I continue?

14 I have my ears pierced

15 I don't fucking know

16 If someone I like chews with their damn mouth open, all feelings gone

17 scary movies.

18 computer

19 I hate perfume

20 2 nights ago

21 a little bit

22 no,  but I am taking Spanish (hopefully) this coming school year
23 I miss mcr being a band,  does that count?

24 The umbrella Academy and Supernatural

So lemme tag humans to-do this

fangirl_potato_trash (I known u tagged me but, oh well)

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