story time

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So Imma tell the story on why my mom refuses to buy me black skinny jeans

So, I just discovered Mcr, green day,  ect and I said to my self " I need black skinny jeans " I already had a lot of black stuff but I never really wore it but then that's all I wore.

So I was in the living room with my mom and I asked her if she could get me black skinny jeans for school.  Well she said " sure,  pick a pair out " so I looked at the old navy website,  picked a pair out and my mom bought them.
So about a week later the jeans show up and,  they where NOT skinny jeans.

They literally looked like Franks jeans in the I'm not okay (I promise) music video, but black.  So I told my mom I didn't like them but she said I picked them out so that's my issue.  Now they are just sitting in my moms closet...

And to this day she will not buy me a pair of black jeans.
So I'm going to spend all my birthday money on jeans and she can't stop me because I'll be with my aunt :)

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