I'm in ranting mode bitch

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So I was doing some ranting with TheKilljoyOfSuburbia and I need to just put this in a chapter because this dude I'm going to talk about gets my blood boiling

So let's start at the beginning

I had showed him a little bit of My Chem and the song I showed him was Destroya,  keep that in mind. He had already listened to WTTBP, Teenagers, and Famous Last words.
So I don't remember how we came to talk about this but I this is how the conversation went.

Me: Well since you haven't really listened to any album than The Black Parade

Him: Danger days

Me: Oh what song?
(and of course)

Him: Destroya

Me: OK then, say the full album title

And the bitch just looked at me

He also claims to be a huge Green Day fan but could only name Billie when I told him to name the people IN the band..

He also only knew who Gerard was when I asked him about Mcr...

And what really got my blood boiling is when I asked him about Painc he didn't know WHO FUCKING RYAN ROSS WAS


He also claimed Vices and Virtues was his favorite album but could only name The Ballad of Mona Lisa when I told him to name 4 songs on that album...

Ok I'm done know

Rants because I'm  bored Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora