the life update nobody wanted

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So soon as I walk out the door for school,  my hair fucking frizzes.  I have naturally curly hair so I straighten it and I walk out the door and it all frizzes.
I don't know what to-do anymore, I've tried hairspray,  I tried just spraying it down with de-frizzing SHIT and none of it works.

I'm going to try and just pull a hood up tomorrow and put all my hair back inside the hood and see if that works.  I really don't know what to-do.  Any suggestions?

I have science homework and I really don't want to-do it.  I just got out of the shower and now I'm just sitting,  petting cat.

How's y'alls life?

Rants because I'm  bored Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora